[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SFAKTmI.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170617/f3d9042109dbd72dc7fe2f567e292c24.png[/img] [sub]{[color=4169E1]"And when I breathed, my breath was lightning."[/color]} - Black Elk [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=223926060]outfit[/url][/sub] [/center][hr][hr] Jazmine had woken up a few hours earlier than usual, taking the extra time to pack a few more things, throw her bags into the trunk of her silver, near-new Nissan Versa and make a few minor adjustments to her previously picked out outfit. When it comes to her fashion sense, Jaz is always "dressed to impress." She likes to look her best everyday, and usually spends about an hour each morning making sure that there's nothing out of place. It's rare to see her in a state of disarray, as her mother raised her to believe that she should always look prepared and presentable, especially when she's the most frazzled. This morning, in particular, she chose to wear one of her favorite outfits; an [color=4169E1]electric[/color] blue blouse, black jeans, and black heels. Her makeup was minimal, but her hair, as usual, was in its wild curly state. After quickly eating a bowl of cereal, Jazmine soon found herself on the road, the music blasting through the radio and her black Bombay cat sitting silently in the passenger seat. She had hoped to be one of the first to arrive at the academy. She even thought that she'd been successful in doing so as she pulled into the nearly vacant parking lot, but groaned once she noticed the lot of students that stood near the entrance gates. [color=4169E1]"I guess we should've left a bit earlier, huh Salem?"[/color] Jaz spoke to the cat as she took the key out of the ignition and unlocked the doors, [color=4169E1]"Hell, at least we aren't late."[/color] Jazmine got out of her car, leaving the door open for another half of a second to allow her furry friend to jump out behind her. From the trunk of the car, she retrieved her three bags; she hoisted a bright yellow backpack around her shoulders, slung a fairly large duffel bag around her left shoulder, and carried a tote in her right hand. Despite the heavy weight of the bags and Jazmine's choice of footwear, the young woman had little to no trouble carrying them as she made her way towards the rest of the students. Walking with a purpose, her dark heels clicked against the ground, her silver anklet glistening in the sun. Salem happily trotted alongside her, probably glad that she'd decided against transporting him in a carrier. As she and Salem approached the gates, Jazmine couldn't help but glance at each of the other students, slightly amazed by the diversity she saw. Although spotting a handful of people that piqued her interest, Jaz decided against striking a conversation with any of them. Instead, she continued her trek towards the school, adjusting the strap of her duffel bag every now and then. As always, Salem stayed by her side, only stopping once to carefully study a pair of lions that passed by. [color=4169E1][i]"What in the hell?"[/i][/color] was the only phrase that ran through Jazmine's head as she and her pet continued on.