[hr] [center][indent][color=paleturquoise]E N D Y M I O N / E N D E R M A V R O S[/color][/indent] [indent][indent][color=mediumturquoise]-N O R T H A T L A N T I C O C E A N-[/color][/indent][/indent][/center] [hr] [hider=On his flight]The stars gleamed brighter, the night seemed to grow deeper, and his dreams were troubled... There were other ways to see if the claims that Mount Olympus was indeed inhabited again and Ender knew several of them to see for himself but the gnawing feeling of seeing for himself had tempted him to make this trip. It had been a long time since he had met one of his kind or anything connected to the Gods, as he traveled further away from Greece to explore the world while in wait for something that may never come but he had always hoped. To enjoy explaining the changes to his two companion from their long hiatus would be pleasant just like they showed him a world of adventure that he reminisced fondly. However, there were again doubts that he had about this new age of Gods once appearing into the picture where conflict and strife would be a possibility between the pantheon. Pulling his hand through his short-cut hair as he roused himself out of his thoughts as he brought himself back to the present as the hum of the plane had pulled him into a trance. His bags were checked in and the carry-ons were placed in the above storage as he sat in business class which was comfortable enough during the long flight that was taking place. Around 30 hours in total as he flew over the North Atlantic above the clouds which gave an ample opportunity to look at the stars that sprinkled the night sky as he traveled hundreds of miles on the metal craft he was on. He wouldn't be in Athens anytime soon, but he was fine as the distractions such as the tablet in his hand and around him were fine to keep his boredom sated. However, what caught his attention at the moment was what his next seat neighbor was watching as he inputted the commands on the tv screen he had which he remembered that Ender gave him permission to have the tv to themselves. [color=firebrick]"Look at all of this gibberish on the screen- All these hooligans are focusing on those so call internet stars when there are things to actually be looking at"[/color] The middle-aged passenger who sat next to him said, as he looked at the news that flashed the current situation of Mount Olympus along with smaller stories to the side like usually. They news anchor began talking more in-depth of the reason that it was happening along with a load of miscellaneous information but what caught his ears was the news of the so-called 'hooligans' known as the Salem Movement and the name Tes Lyn in the report several times. Curiosity peaked him, as he pulled the tablet in his hand into a functioning state and began conducting his own research on the group as he passed the time with the newscast in the background. Searching her up on the internet, as he found various sources of information about the actor on movie sites and Wikipedia as he explored who she was and the group she organized. Coming onto her website where he curiously browsed as he sifted through the information on auto cruise as he glazed over it with some disinterest. He had never been a fan of the famous outside of the movies they were with the exception of a few that he was interested in and even then he never followed them too closely which was the same case to this Tes Lyn. The common folk were something that was much more interesting to discover individually and they were everywhere around you which made it fun learning everything that made them. A much more different time when the Gods were involved in every aspect of their lives which made things difficult for any heresy made against a god. [color=paleturquoise]'Oh how the times have changed and for the better'[/color] Ender silently mused as he fell back into his thoughts about a different place, a different time. [color=paleturquoise]'A shame that it might be shaken up but perhaps several centuries have mellowed them out...'[/color] He anxiously thought as his thoughts swirled around the topic of the Gods and the ramifications that it might have. Still, with the flight on the way to Athens, he couldn't go far with him inside the metal plane that served as transportation and his tablet had discarded for a later time. Sometimes the best way to past time was the one he liked the most, closing his eyes as the lure of sleep came easily to him than many others seemingly. Riding himself of the complex thoughts and ideas inside of his head as silence fell into his mind as he heaviness settled upon him. He would shave off a portion of his trip in his sleeve before trying to find something to occupy him once again until finally arrive in Athens.[/hider]