[list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Tylane Carth [*][u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Breton [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=http://vitavitaar.deviantart.com/art/Tylane-Carth-688945327]Dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, pale skintone, armor mostly silver, hammer is dark silver and gold.[/url] She's a little short, but not excessively so. [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Tylane is, above all, one who is dedicated to the idea of a paladin. Virtuous, dedicated to hunting the evil and defending the innocent, standing as a heroic figure who cleanses the wicked and is a shield to the weak. These ideals motivate her through thick and thin, and prompt her to do as best as she possibly can no matter the situation. In this regard, Tylane is a generally nice and caring individual who carries a great deal of care in her heart for the plights of others, but a merciless approach to those who willfully commit evil acts. That being said, it can't be ignored that Tylane has something of a temper, both in reaction to foolish behavior(which can be responded to with serious-minded admonishing) and when encountered with what she feels are seriously evil or cruel action. Indeed, if something is bad enough, she is prone to flying into a rage-fueled determination to punish the perpetrator. That being said, the safety of the innocent always takes priority in her mind. [*][u][b]Birthsign:[/b][/u] The Warrior [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u][list]Two-Handed Weapons, Heavy Armor, Restoration[/list] [*][u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] Tylane has a set of fine clothing to wear outside of battle, a set of plate, and an enchanted two-handed warhammer imbued with cleansing flames that burn those who survive its initial impact. [*][u][b]Brief History:[/b][/u] Tylane was raised in a deeply religious household, one that paid special attention to Stendarr. Her family brought her up on ideals of heroism, and of course of honor and knighthood. A minor noble, she eventually became a junior knight of the Order of the Rose, and continued her combat training from there. She was also trained in Restoration, in order to heal the injured as well as harm done to herself. An enchanted warhammer belonging to her family became her weapon, and with it, a suit of armor came as well. Recently, she has heard word of the undead menace threatening Sentinal, and traveled without hesitation in order to assist in destroying it.[/list] Sketch is... not my best work but I think it gets the idea across. ^^; Might replace it with a better image later on but wanted to actually get this bio up finally.