Maddie sat quietly in the corner as the RV began to get crushed in front of her, she did not want to die but it seemed like she was running out of options. Maddie began to lay on the ground getting as low as possible, in hopes that the Rex would not flatten the RV completely. She watched the front slowly close in and then the giant foot of the beast began to rise up and smash on the center near the hole. As the Rex stopped down beginning the descent of the middle of the RV, there was a pause in the air. Maddie heard a voice. She saw the Rex begin to look at something and stopped paying attention to the trailer for a moment. Maddie slowly started to stand up, she has hurt badly already, her leg bleeding profusely and a large gash in her head. She didn’t have enough energy to make an escape, she was still stuck but her hope started to rise as she heard the sound of the Rex reeling in pain. Maddie was beyond excited to see Robert appear above her. [b][color=82ca9d]“Fuck, uh ok yeah.” [/color][/b] Maddie started to look around on the ground for the gun, she dropped Roberts’s gun back on the other side but last she saw the tranquilizer EJ was holding it. She quickly rushed over to the other side of the RV, being forced to step over Maxwell. Maddie dug through some debris and found the gun underneath. She quickly ran back and handed it to Robert. She did not need to say anything to him when she handed the tranquilizer, words couldn’t express the feelings she was having. Maddie tried to see what was happening outside of her steel prison but she only could hear noises. The shot was fired then a roar of pain but then the sound of stomping. Maddie realized what was happening and dove to the ground as the Trailer was smashed sending Robert flying and Maddie tossing around the confined space. The whole trailer was flipped back now standing upright instead of on its side. Maddie narrowly avoided being crushed by the same cabinet Maxwell was under. She was now laying prone on the ground, the giant hole the Rex made was now just a few feet away easily able to escape out of. But Maddie was too exhausted from the events and just needed to rest for a few moments. A loud ringing noise could be heard from the sky, then a mechanic hum followed by loud bangs. It was just out of sight from inside the large opening but the sound could be heard clearly. The buzzing continued to get lower until it finally was ground level. A chipper woman stepped out of the [url=]high hide[/url], she was alone and looked surprisingly clean for being in the wild for such a long period. The woman walked joyfully towards the unconscious Rex. [b][color=92278f] “Magnificent! What a tremendous shot Mr. Tembo. But that is to be expected from a hunter with such vast experience.” [/color][/b] The woman did not touch the Rex but stood very close examining its skin. She continued to walk the length of the Rex until she reached the gaping hole that used to be an eye. She seemed extremely displeased and scrunched her face at the injury. She shrugged at looked over towards Robert who was still on the ground struggling to get up, he also was probably getting fairly annoyed with the strange woman who decided to look at the animal instead of helping him. [b][color=92278f]“Oh! How rude of myself, I nearly forgot to introduce myself. My name is [url=]Alisson Murkowski[/url], please refer to me as Dr. Murkowski, I had to work very hard to get the “Dr.” to be in front of my name. Just a small joke. Now I take it that you are supposed to be my rescue party? That is the real joke. Still impressive shot, I am sure your friend inside the trailer will be very grateful… That is if she is still alive.” [/color][/b] Murkowski walked over towards Robert looking down on him she had a large smile plastered on her face as she joked about the situation. She seemed very joyful, teasing Robert as he laid on the ground injured and bleeding. Something about her was unsettling, her voice, her appearance even her attitude just gave off an untrustworthy vibe. But she did help Robert save Maddie, so she obviously had some kindness to her or at least her motives lined up with theirs at that moment. [color=92278f][b]“Oh my goodness, Mr. Tembo it would seem you have some major injuries. Well, that is definitely no good for me. Please patch yourself up, we have to keep moving. I will go check out the trailer to see if anyone is still alive.”[/b][/color] Murkowski walked at a casual speed towards the overturned RV. She clearly did not want to help Robert, or even touch him at all. Once she approached the gaping hole in the side she peaked into it with a smile and knocked on the side of the metal as if she was going to enter a room. Maddie looked up at the strange woman confused. Murkowski returned Maddie’s confused expression with a joyful smile and an outstretched hand. [color=92278f][b]“You must be Madeline Ward, such an honor to meet a decorative soldier. It would seem that Mr. Tembo has a few injuries. I would be ever so grateful if you could fix his shoulder for me. Then we all can get a move on and get off this disgusting island.”[/b][/color] Maddie uneasily grasped the woman’s hand and allowed her to help her out of the death trap of a trailer. Maddie hit the ground hard and uneasy, she was lucky, no broken bones. Her whole body was in pain and covered in bruises and laceration but she was able to walk. Maddie staggered towards Robert she clearly was used to high tense situations and seemed to almost be in a trance as she reaches down for his arm. She did not count or say anything, all she did was a place both hands on his dislocated joint and apply pressure until a cracking sound was heard. She smiled at Roberts clear pain from being tossed off the trailer, but quickly after fixing his shoulder she succumb to her injuries and exhaustion. Maddie fell to the ground next to Robert, passed out unable to continue. Murkowski stared at the two of the exhausted rescuers and then back at the giant sleeping Rex, she then peeled off the rubber glove she was wearing when helping Maddie out of the trailer and tossed it on the ground. She shrugged and turned her back towards the pair as she began to look at the Rexes injuries once again.