After succesfully completing the newest and strongest set of Ranger powers, Billy needed a new team of Rangers to wield them in the battle against evil. He began recruiting a team from the heroes throughout the multiverse. His first recruit wasn't a choice, it was a demand of his host reality's most powerful authority Time Force. Their Quantum Ranger was to be the Commander of this team. Billy and Wes traveled searched the Multiverse looking for suitable candidates. Numerous candidates were chosen and their records were strictly reviewed, many candidates were eventually deemed unworthy for a multitude of reasons. One candidate Billy was hoping for would have brought the most interesting perspective of all Zedd from an universe where the Power Rangers were evil and Zedd fought to stop them. Zedd refused, because he couldn't stomach the idea of becoming a Power Ranger himself but wished them luck. Their first recruit was their Red Ranger, Zane Wulf from a universe where Power Rangers were called Super Sentai. Followed by the Orange Ranger, Tom Oliver a clone of the late Tommy Oliver. T.J. Johnson their Blue Ranger a former Turbo and Space Ranger, Billy wondered how much this version of TJ was similar to his. Danny Delgado their Gold Ranger Wes vehemently opposed due to Danny's sickeningly positive attitude. Mike Corbett their Black Ranger was not a Power Ranger in name but in every other aspect he was. They were going to look into recruiting more before taking the fight to their nameless foe but they could not wait any longer.