[@BurningDaisies]: Okay um... Going to kind of try and straighten things out a bit here: Fairies can cure some illnesses via contract, but physical problems are a lot... less easy, even considering the whole transformation thing that happened to circumvent the "only girls!" rule. Healing also only works insofar as restoring the body to the healthy state the fairy knows about. I didn't really mean to discount the idea of magical girls with disabilities(in fact I like the idea of a magical girl in a wheelchair whose transformation works around this or something a lot), but certain disabilities are [i]really hard to play[/i] in the context of the RP. It's really hard to do deafness or muteness in an RP effectively, and I'm not exactly opposed to the idea but I don't want someone to put a lot of work into an idea for it not to work out. The main issue is communication, since not everyone knows sign language and communicating in a fight is difficult to pull off if you can't do so vocally. [i]That being said[/i] if you can think of a way to get around this(say, one of her abilities as a magical girl features messages made of light or something), I think it might work out better.