Aight I give. I dont see any reason why not anyway. [hider=My Hider] [center][img][/img] or [img],/beautyschooldropout.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=00a651][b]Name:[/b][/color]Ashley Dillon [color=00a651][b]Alias:[/b][/color]The Green Fairy or The Absinthe [color=00a651][b]Experience:[/b][/color] 2 Weeks [color=00a651][b]Hometown:[/b][/color] Gotham [color=00a651][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [color=00a651][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Vertigo Inducement & Illusion Generation Ashley has the ability to induce vertigo through eye contact. The eye contact in itself doesn’t have to be long or significant for Ashley to induce Vertigo, but she must remain in relative eye contact with them to maintain the effect or make the effects last post-inducement. The vertigo experienced have been known to make people forget events moments before being affected by Ashley, and some have noted that the Vertigo she induces is similar to being intoxicated. The simplest application of her power can make people dizzy, making them see the world rotate around them, giving her enough time to apprehend her enemies. At her most powerful she can use her powers to make people experience the world spin, rotate, break, and reform akin to a dream sequence or an Escher-like maze. She can further control the way people experience the vertigo world, allowing her to make them see illusions. When people are in an induced vertigo state she can talk to them allowing her to reshape the world around them for a more desired a specific effect such as inducing someone's specific fear. [color=00a651][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Ashley’s powers require eye contact, which in itself can be a difficulty depending on the circumstance she is in. The other requirement for her powers to be truly effective, which is that there must be an adequate enough eye contact for her to successfully inflict someone with vertigo without her having to maintain the eye contact. The same limitations apply to the more advanced version wherein she can induce illusions. The effects of the Vertigo are strong within the moment, but are quick to dissipate if not immediate after the initial inducement if the initial inducement was not long enough. The Vertigo effect can be quickly and effectively overpowered or nullified if the person experiences a form of shock or someone guides them through the vertigo. People who are also sufficiently trained or experienced in feeling Vertigo can properly overpower the effects themselves. [color=00a651][b]Reason for joining Robin?:[/b][/color] Fun, she sees it her responsibility to take advantage of her powers and do good, being recruited by a Robin is just a tip on the icing and a stepping stone onto becoming a really good hero. [color=00a651][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color] [hider=Costume insp.][img][/img][/hider] Ashley is a petite girl with pearl colored skin, earth colored hair, and emerald green eyes. She carries herself with confidence and pride, with a smile embodying her youth. She enjoys taking care of her looks, and knows that she is pretty. Ashley is a fashionable girl who enjoys wearing clothes that make her look good and stand out, and some would say that her wardrobe is befitting of a runway, and her hero costume reflects this, but with added protection and utility options. The Absinthe outfit consists of a yellow motorcycle jacket, a green knee length that will twirl if she does on top of black leggings, and brown comfy boots. The costume doesn’t afford the most protection, but it is pretty. [color=00a651][b]BRIEF Bio:[/b][/color] Ashley was born in Gotham to a single mother from Central City. At a very early age Ashley’s mom revealed to Ashley that she is the daughter of central city’s infamous super villain Top, and that she inherited his superpowers and became a superhero for a very short period of time, but both are behind her now. Her mom told her that she expects Ashley to inherit his powers as well, and when the time comes she will be taught to control her abilities, but to never use it to become a superhero or super villain as either will only bring all sorts of trouble. Ashley abided by her mother’s teaching for the longest time until the rebellious stage occurred, donning a suit inspired by her mother’s outfit she took to the streets and became the Absinthe Queen. In her two short weeks of activity she was able to take down street thugs and small time gang activity with a high success rate thanks to her powers that allow her to take down enemies quickly. [color=00a651][b]Notes:[/b][/color] I eventually plan on her being a bit more serious, and going through a serious power upgrade. I'd like for her to either develop a more powerful version of her illusion based abilities, or eventually Rotational Energy Manipulation allowing her to spin and create miniature tornadoes. The inspiration for her is basically a mix of DC characters Cyclone and Top, specifically the CW version, in terms of power and personality. In terms of future plans I can see two ways to grow her, either as a support/espionage based character or more like a front lines dueler. [/hider] So for the two names it's mostly because i can't decide which way to develop her depending on the other characters, but basically there are two paths for her.