[hr][hr][center][h1][color=firebrick]Black James(!)[/color][/h1] [img]https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/avatars/6AE78329E91063505631975227392_pic-r-1396533712688c4afde8ecf.jpg.jpg?versionId=ZnGOSit0zozlhxpJk0w6QVx4cSozVRdq[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=firebrick]Location:[/color][/b] Northern Parking Lot of Building [b]4[/b] (Repair Shop) -> Headed North on LaGrange Street[/center][hr][hr] James trudged in the forming slush of the morning back to the road, taking it as an easier path northward to get to his former residence. He wasn't sure what they would use it for now, but it was even money they would just clear out his nick-knacks and assign someone else to it. Probably whoever they get to replace him as a Lead, unless Ash deemed it group housing and tossed a few people in. Then again, he knew that Ash had his eye on the place a while back before James had moved in proper, citing that he had too much room in his venue house for just one person. Leann forbade it, as was her privilege. James moved in, and that was that. Well, the grim bastich went and took his revenge, making Leann's old place "Reject Housing", though he never called it that himself (James might have a time or two, being honest). It was an odd sort of memory lane, now that James was leaving Newnan. He only had an hour though, it wouldn't do very well to get caught up in memories for too long. Not a lot of time when you had to say goodbye to a town and pack up enough gear to move on with a life. [color=firebrick]"Say, umm..."[/color] he started, speaking to one of his armed escorts, [color=firebrick]"I gots an [i]hour[/i], man. Hour. Could you hit that Armory fo' me? Grab my Vera and that box o' goodies that's got my name on it, please sir? You ain't gotta give it, jus' make sho I got mine on the way out."[/color] They were told to help him get his stuff together. There was some hesitation at first, which was understandable. I mean, he was [i]James[/i]. That would be James Mandingo Grady. But he crossed one hell of a line. [color=firebrick]"Yo man, I still got a guy with a gun that can shoot my dark ass if'n I get outta line. Plus you gonna have one hell of a bang-bang when you get back, case I do. You ever shoot that cannon? She's somethin' else."[/color] The guard looked skeptical. Keying up a walkie, he addressed Ash, "Captain, James is requesting I leave and see to his munitions. Orders?" There had been a few concessions so far. This one seemed a little much. [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=steelblue]Ash Holloway[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0d55b471-c5e5-4224-a6dd-f93f52f38ebd.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Northern Parking Lot of Building [b]4[/b] (Repair Shop) [/center][hr][hr] Or at least a little more than Ash was willing to allow right then. [color=steelblue]"Negative on that. But he does have stuff spread across the town. One minute."[/color] He did, too. Weapons in the Armory, probably a little something hidden in his house, too. Speaking of which, that house was centrally located with a couple of stories. James was not known for being an extremely organized man, outside of work. Also, as the Agricultural Lead, he had dealings with crops and livestock, at different ends of the grounds. Ash spoke into his walkie, hoping to fix the difficulty. [color=steelblue]"Jim? Jim, I need someone from Security to get James's truck. Make sure it's gassed up and ready to go. Get it to the Armory and put his personal weapons in the back, then park it just inside of the Gate. Let James's detail know it'll be waiting on him."[/color] He replaced his radio on his belt and looked down at his hand. He still had his friend's personal sidearm held awkwardly. James would need this, maybe even before the day was out. Ash made sure the safety was set and tucked the familiar Glock into the back of his belt. He then turned his attention to the bloody woodaxe on the ground next to where Richard's body used to lay. Carefully, Ash picked it up, regarding it for a moment. It was used to take a life recently. It was used in an act of mercy recently, also. The whole situation sucked, through and through. But staring at that tool of murder, Ash had to wonder if he didn't just save lives in the long run. It was a long stare, and though little showed, the Captain felt like he had just lost something important.