27 posts in this thread while I was gone, hot damn. LOL Nobody's come even close to guessing who the Prince's parent is. But I agree with what somebody said earlier, if you drop too much info in the iCheck and OOC then nobody really has a reason to take part and interest drops. If somebody guesses right I'll tell you but for now... yeah. You guys are pretty far of the base. I'll make it a little easier, it's somebody who's come into contact with the Teen Titans a few times as well as Batman... that *should* narrow it down. Right now I'm going through every single CS I have in this thread as well as PMs. I had my eye on one or two already, however now there's a lot of really well done sheets and concepts. [quote=@Prince of Seraphs] That's not really the problem. My character is an adaptation of the daughter of Shadowcat for a next generation X-Men RP, as such she's largely an OC unaffiliated with any existing DC characters or events. The problem is that most of the superhero stuff that happens in comics or on screen make a significant impact on society and as such would be common knowledge. Operating in the Beyond time frame makes it easier because largely the rest of the DCU is about thirty years in the past but that still leaves the question how much of the DCAU and DCU happened and as such can be referenced in the RP. [/quote] You can use whatever you'd like for cannon until I say you can't. Simple as that. You could create a character. Or you could create a character and try to tie it to a major event like Zero Hour or Blackest Night. The less characters rely on bigger stories like that the better, but if you can change my mind then I'm open to giving you the chance. I try and be vague where I can so I can go back later and develop some backstory further in-game. And for the record, Superman is still gonna be an older Clark Kent in this. I don't like the Super Son enough to even mention him LOL. -00492