Thanks to her little scouting mission, the orc forces were better prepared to take down the elven town that stood before them. Of course, with the Warlock here their victory was already assured, but a little intel can go a long way. Sen climbed up to her feet at the wall and turned when Gorman tossed her the bow of a poor elven archer he just crushed. "Your intel was spot-on! Now go kill something." No need to tell her twice, it's what she was trained to do. A lone arrow shot down at her and grazed her cheek, she turned and narrowed her eyes at the archer that had shot her from the turret on the wall. Without hesitation, Sen let loose an arrow that met it's mark in the archer's head. Putting her newly acquired bow around her shoulder she climbed up the turret and proceeded to deal with any other archers that were firing down from it. Her blood was pumping now, no one could stop the coming bloodshed. [hider=OOC]Sorry for not being here, life has just been kicking me in the rear for the past month[/hider]