[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/y9wDJyb.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1] [color=00aeef]Cole Hayes [/color][/h1][/center] Cole Hayes 25 years old Bio:Cole's parents were a guard for the royal family and a kitchen maid in the castle. Due to a ban on magic in the realm there had been evacuations of witches and magic folk and it was during this time that his father had gotten into a scuffle with a witch who put a curse on him and his lineage to come. The guard and anyone in the guard's bloodline would now have a terrible thirst for blood and a need for electricity, what they would dub as a cybernetic vampire. This creature needed the electricity for the energy, and could only digest blood. Going out in the daylight burns their skin and if they wanted to do anything, magic would have to be involved. There was no control over what they took energy from, anything electrical they touched meant that energy would be consumed and quickly drained. This curse kept Cole from having a normal life. He couldn't go anywhere during the day so he was a guard on night shift at the castle. No one could do anything to help except the witch or her kin. Since the witch had been gone a long time Cole had to find her daughter and beg her to take the curse off. He was determined to find her and he would not give up until he did.