TC brought his head up from the plate of meat he was focused on to noticed that he had been left alone at their camp. His request for Parsepepper to Nak seemed to have rubbed her the wrong way. [i]Hey I'm just sharing cooking tips here , no need to threaten, no need to get ya leathers in a twist[/i]. Fionn followed after her. The two girls had set off for their, past due and much needed, training session before they headed to the ruins. It was just Mr. Bywater and the Nightmare, Anzu. TC set his plate down quietly then took a quick perusal of Nak's things. As he got close enough see what she had laid out in her campsite. He caught a look at Anzu's eyes. They seemed to stare right through him, piercing black marbles, like windows into oblivion. He froze for a moment, and rethought his actions. [i]Maybe just wait for the good dwarven stuff.[/i] He calmly turned around like he was just stretching his legs and settled back into his previous spot, laced his fingers behind his head, and relaxed. [i]There will be plenty for the taking soon.[/i] [@coyotelovely][@silvan haven][@lyla][@lmpkio]