[center][img]https://d30y9cdsu7xlg0.cloudfront.net/png/109086-200.png[/img][/center] The behemoth of a dragon man hit the scene hard grabbing a Venom junkie and disappearing into the shadows only for a tree to fall several meters away. Jack was still using a combination of different fighting styles to take on two goons at a time before a third darted in and out of the action. Two other pushers, after seeing the one get snatched up, headed for an exit. The park itself was much like Central Park in New York City; large, with a small pond near the center, several statues, bridges, and benches. One bench of course got destroyed the minute Skeleton Jack did what looked like a professional wrestling move, a choke slam of sorts that took the muscle bound pusher down for the count. "I wonder what Bats is up to...? Maybe that was HIM trying to tail me? There's no way he knows. I have to find the girls before the rest of the Muppets, even if I don't decide to help Al Ghul and the League." Jack thought, picking himself up after a few moments. Looking over his left shoulder Jack was caught off guard from the right as one of the other goons had grabbed a piece of the metal bench debris and struck Jack in the head. He'd need more than an aluminum arm rest to finish the job. Jack pulled a blade from seemingly nowhere and with a spin lodged the blade into the junkie's thigh before he could land another strike with the arm rail. As the pusher tried slapping a few more patches on his arms it was obvious it was too much. Jack kept him at a distance with kicks and tripped the muscled brute a couple times and then... the guy's heart finally gave. "Damn..." Jack thought standing there taking note of the situation. One of the remaining pushers had got up from the beating he'd already received and struck Skeleton Jack across the back with a steel mesh city trash can.... The two goons who ran earlier were nowhere to be seen. They'd either got away, or they were the next to face Kaze. [u][b]Elsewhere...[/b][/u] "The Bat has more friends than I had expected. Two storage sites have been compromised and a portion of the city just lost power..." Bane thought in a worn out looking locker room mirror at a sink. He stepped out and walked to another corner of an old beat up gymnasium with a boxing ring in the center that had seen better days. With the touch of a button on the wall a panel opened up revealing stairs that he then walked down. There was the basement. The holding cells. He told the three goons in the basement level... "Gotham wants me to come out and play. I may have to kill another one of Batman's acquaintances. Here's the top of the line stuff. Put it up your nose, eat it, whatever... just do it before the Superpower Hour gets here. Stick to the plan...." Bane instructed putting his mask on. [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/0e8e/f/2016/068/d/a/bane_commission_by_phil_cho-d9uibo0.jpg[/img]] -00492