"Need any help?" Fionn fell into step next to Nakreyya. She turned to look at him, surprise visible in her features. Her knee jerk reaction was to tell him she was fine and she could handle it on her own. Something in his expression stopped her... she sensed he was offering in good faith, and it had been some time since she had assistance with her tasks. "You will permit me to say that you are a guest of my camp this evening, you do not need to help. However, if you insist, I will not say no," Nakreyya said, inclining her head lightly. When they started walking again, Nakreyya slowed her pace slightly, moving toward the first of her traps to see if they had caught anything new. "I would like to thank you, Fionn, for taking a chance on me as we go upon your mission. It has been some time since I have traveled with others," Nakreyya said to him, offering a smile. [@Silvan Haven]