[hider=Tharac Galbash] [center] [h1] Name [/h1] Tharac Galbash. [/center] [center] [h1] Titles [/h1] The Blood Hound. [/center] [center] [h1] Age [/h1] 42 [/center] [center] [h1] Gender [/h1] Male [/center] [center] [h1] Race [/h1] Orc [/center] [center] [h1] Appearance [/h1] [url=http://pre02.deviantart.net/3ef2/th/pre/i/2008/255/4/3/orc_champion_by_bukulima.jpg]Like any good orc, Tharac is green skinned with large sharp teeth. His head is bearded and balding with the occasional braids running through his black hair. Tharac has marking of his clan tattooed on his brow and across his shoulders, with more than a few scars here and there. For attire he rarely is seen without his armor, enchanted grab consisting of metal Tassets and a shoulder guard. Though he still leaves the right side of his chest exposed to enable a more free range of movement.[/url] [/center] [center] [h1] Personality [/h1] If there is one thing that can be said about Tharac, it's that he is one determined bastard. Using a mix of brutality and cunning he attacks his goals with a carefully calculated ferocity. As one of a strong personality of will, he is one of the few that can be counted on to beat discipline into the rabble of different races that makes up his subordinates. He doesn't tolerate laziness or cowardliness, but neither is he foolish enough to ignore council. It's just that as part of his personal belief that anything be they man, beast, the arcane or even the world itself can be bent to one's will if they are strong enough and know how. He does not shrink at words as 'dangerous' or 'impossible'. As long as Tharac Galbash has the will, he will find a way. [/center] [center] [h1] Weapons [/h1] An enchanted battle axe granted to to him by The Dark Lord himself for Tharac's years of service. The enchantment ensure the axe remains sharp no mater how many blows it takes, allowing it to cleave through most non-magical targets. He also sports a few short swords strapped to his back encase he ever gets disarmed. [/center] [center] [h1] Skills/Magic [/h1] As a commander Tharac shows natural talent in offensive maneuvers, specializing in isolating his foes into smaller groups and whittling down both their strength an moral. When it comes to personal combat, he shows with surprising amounts of agility and endurance, even for an orc. Rumor has that he once killed a giant with his bare hands. [/center] [center] [h1] History [/h1] Tharac had once been just another grunt, faces less disposable soldier in the Dark Lords army. He didn't really care much for Dark Lord's ambitions then. His only thoughts were towards survival and the prosperity of his tribe. To that end he sought to become a minor officer. It was a nice position from the back where could earn enough to ensure his clansmen kept some nominal relevance. Tharac had proven crafty as a soldier, but his ambitions were small and he had no real drive. All that change when during a chance encounter he met the Dark Lord himself. On a whim the master of Halleoth told Tharac of his ambitions, his desire to see a united world and the process in which he built his empire to do so. Tharac new all of this already, but... speaking with his emperor in person, the way he talked about these goals and the look in his eyes when he spoke caused something to resonate in the young orc. After that day, the position of a minor officer seemed so small. So, undesirable. Days later Tharac initiated an old orcish tradition and challenged openly challenged one of his superiors to battle for his leadership, and beheaded him there and then. This marked the start of Tharac's rise through the ranks. In battle after battle he forged his resolve. With a brutal efficiency he crushed his adversaries, growing his reputation over the years and securing his position. In time he would once again meet his emperor. This time though as promising warchief bristling with resolve. Tharac had reviewed the history of his people, how they had often been pushed around and kicked out other their homelands by the 'civilized races'. And that now, in this age, his kind were finally united under the leadership of his master. His goal had become clear as he set his sight upon it. To become the supreme commander of Halleoth's armies, and ensure his people's place under the Dark Lords rule in the new age of the orc. [/center] [/hider]