[center][color=8882be][h1]Frank Sage[/h1]Interacting with: Sol Quill [@TechnoWizROK], Light [@Archmage MC], Griffin [@KatherinWinter][/color][/center][hr](Not really happy with this post, but eh) Frank's mouth quirks into a smirk, and he lets out a small snort of laughter himself. [color=8882be]"I'm sure the scorch mark on the ground indicates otherwise. That, or you're just a show-off."[/color] During this brief communication, the gears of Frank's mind were spinning rapidly. [color=8882be]'Far too friendly to be working with aglets. Girl Scouts are too subtle for a brazen display of power such as this. Boy bands target females, not both genders, so they're out too. Red M&Ms focus on blue M&Ms, Burger King focuses on the slop they call food, and Walmart is focused on advertising. That's the main five out of the way... Hurm. Unsure as to affiliations at this time.'[/color] It was at that moment that Frank felt someone tap his shoulder and say something about needles and fireballs to him. [color=8882be]"Unsure as to why I would stick a needle in you, and no, I was not berating 'Mr. Sun' for be-EAGH!"[/color] Frank, having turned around mid-sentence to look at the person talking to him, promptly jumped back five feet upon seeing Light and took a fighting stance. [color=8882be]'Creature unknown, possibly from another planet. Must investigate further.'[/color] Add to that the fact that Sol mentioned that he was an Infinity Stone, and Frank's already whirring mind was going into over-overdrive. [color=8882be]'Living Infinity Stone. Unknown if hostile or friendly, most likely friendly based off of past interactions. Must investigate further.'[/color] As if Frank's mind needed more things to analyze, it was then that what appeared to be a sasquatch grabbed onto Sol's arm. The red-headed conspiracy theorist's head was spinning at all these new developments in such a short amount of time. [color=8882be]'I am currently going to attend classes with: a living artifact older than time and space itself, a creature that is more than likely not of this world, and a creature that belongs in urban legends and horrible daytime television about monster hunters. Reality can be stranger than fiction, if it's in the mood.'[/color] The three would probably notice the ginger boy's now quiet demeanor, a thoughtful look on his face as he stood stone still, his body still in the impromptu fighting stance he took upon seeing Light. Occasionally he would mumble something along the lines of [color=8882be]"Finding Bigfoot"[/color], [color=8882be]"outer space"[/color], or [color=8882be]"Infinity Stones"[/color], as he processed these sudden facts.