[center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmNjMDAwMC5WSEp2YW1GdS4w/bad-skizoff.regular.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] TROJAN's introduction was simple, and went through the usual process of roaring out his name as loudly as possible, before calmly and a lot more quietly apologising for the fact that he was raised to announce his presence as such. His old 'mentor', as he put it, taught him the values of pride in ones name, and so he often roared his name out of respect for her. He didn't offer much more of an explanation than that, seeing as they had a march to do. TROJAN had read all about Yolt, and was genuinely curious as to how it had managed to avoid large-scale invasion by bandits. Clay wasn't necessarily the hardiest of materials, so it wasn't like orc bandits couldn't demolish the place quickly. He suspected that the most fortified aspect of the town would be its temple in the center, and made sure to mention it to those who would listen as a passing thought. Before that news could pass far, however, they had arrived. TROJAN wasn't quite at the head of the charge as the wall came down, but was not far behind. He could see that the archers would easily be overwhelmed by the present force, so unlike those that broke off to challenge the archers, he continued into the town of Yolt to do what was to be done. His instincts were beginning to kick in, nostrils flaring up as he felt his muscles begin to tense. He was nervous, however that anxiety kept the bugbear on his toes, and consequently out of a savage state. He chose his house to invade carefully - he wouldn't choose someone who could potentially have a family, as Trojan's aim was to spare any villagers he could. He also decided to find a house further from the invasion force to increase an occupant's chance of escape. With that in mind, his eyes scanned for a potential target, before his eyes found themselves on a blacksmith's home, the forge outside a dead giveaway. Body and mind filled with adrenaline, TROJAN charged towards his mark... Due to his sheer size, the force of his charge not only broke down the door, but also part of the wall which came with it. It was... quite the surprise for him, because he didn't think he was big enough to take down a wall, even one made of clay. However he chose to focus before he became too distracted by the accomplishment - he had work to do. His spear was angled diagonally in front of him, so to cover a broader area. The pointed tip was directed towards the roof of the clay building, just above TROJAN's shoulder, with the blunt end facing the floor. He would roar, but decided against it. It would make him look bad if he acted [i]too[/i] savage, after all. He cleared his throat. [color=red]"Sorry. I didn't think that would happen."[/color] He made sure he said what he needed to quickly, as the person before him probably wanted to slam his ribs into the floor. His gruff tone might have sounded a little odd as his accent sounded largely more human, so that might have made him a little easier to understand for the elven blacksmith. [color=red]"Run. Quickly. Get everyone from the area out. Their lives may depend on your choice."[/color] He would try to avoid killing her if he could; knock her out if possible. But, if he became seriously hurt, he would not hesitate to retaliate. [color=red][i]'You must live, TROJAN... That's what she told you to do.'[/i][/color]