[color=92278f][h2]Griffin[/h2][/color] [hr] "-And that's why I prefer fire stones to bunsen burners." [i]"Oh my, that[/i] would [i]cause a bit of a ruckus."[/i] Griffin was all smiles as he rounded the corner to the checkout desk, having just finished an anecdote about his life on the road. The weight of the baskets had significantly lessened once Griffin dropped off several textbooks, having found several of them to contain much of the same information just by skimming the table of contents. He now had an elven cookbook for medicinal potions and poultices, "Dr. Nostromo's Guide to Destructive Construction", and a slightly burnt, very old book written in such flowery script as to be unreadable, along with smaller supplemental texts and scroll. He wasn't exactly confident that he'd be able to read them all before he needed to return them, but if worst came to worst he could renew the ones he didn't complete. However he was shaken out of his thoughts as he met the Librarian, a decidedly... unconventional creature. "͏G̴r͠ee̛t͡in͠gs͝ y҉oung Eat̷ȩn͡,͏ ̸do yo̕u҉ ̢w͡is͏h̕ t̛o͡ ̨chec̸k͝ ͡out t̶hơs͟e b̕ook̡s̕,͜ o͢r͢ ̢iś ̶t̀her̴e s͜o͟me͢ţh̨i͡n͝g e̡ļs̸e ̧ţh͞at you r̸e͏qu̢i͢re?̡" The words seemed to come from her but also deep within his mind, creating an odd sensation of mild unease as the Librarian seemingly peered into whatever was left of his soul. "Uh... Y-yeah, yes please. If it isn't too much trouble... Ma'am?" The Librarian deftly penned the names of the materials down on a yellow notepad before returning them. With much less materials than he had before, Griffin was able to stick the journals in his pockets while he carried everything else. With a last double check to make sure everything was secure Griffin scanned the area of a place to sit down for a bit, the old english book was just [i]itching[/i] to be cracked open. With a quick, but honest, "Goodbye!" Griffin left the otherworldly Librarian to complete his goal. It took him a second but as it turned out, who else did he find but his feathery roommate. Thinking to himself that this would be a good time to get some bonding done, Griffin made his way over casually before standing next to Ethra. "Hey there Ethra, fancy meeting you here. Mind if I take a seat next to ya? I've got to put these babies down for a sec before heading back to the dorm." He didn't exactly wait for her answer but he put the books down gently and slowly enough that he could easily pack up and leave if she didn't want company.