Esailia rubbed her forehead again as she turned the corner into a less tasteful part of town. She had long since scared away thugs that dwelled here before with a few hallucinations after abusing their drugs. She headed down the alley, listening to this girl chatter away. As Esailia unlocked and slipped into a doorway near the end of the alleyway, she finally decided to respond. Tossing the bag onto the counter, she rushed to her sleeping mat, taking a seat and folding her legs under her. Centering her mind, she focused in on the small kitten she had back in the states... ~I've had enough of this. You're putting us all at risk. Of course they can hear you, you nit. Stop broadcasting like a radio, they can find others by tracing where you're sending your messages. There is a place, but if and when we meet, you MUST stop blanketing the area with psychic shouts.~ Esailia kept her mind on that kitten as she continued. ~To close the link between us, center your mind on something simple. it is best if it is something you're emotional attached to. Then speak through it to me. Doing this will make our link solid and hard to break into.~