From the website for the Anglican Church of Canada: "A priest is one who has a personal faith and spiritual life that is adequate to lead others. He or she: Displays a mature understanding of a call to ministry, service and study. Demonstrates a commitment to loving service in the church rooted in a sustained and growing love of God in Christ. Cultivates a disciplined life of prayer, rooted in the Anglican tradition of common prayer, which responds well to the demands of personal formation and the expectations of public ministry. Shows evidence of personal and spiritual growth and healthy self-awareness. Exercises appropriate care of self, accountability to others, and has an awareness of sources of support available when needed. Shows a commitment to live his or her Christian faith within the Anglican Church of Canada. Demonstrates a healthy and loyal but not uncritical relationship to her or his bishop, diocese, province and the national church. Reflects with insight on her or his personal strengths and weaknesses, gifts and vulnerabilities. Discerns God’s presence and activity in her or his own life and in the lives of others. Bears witness to his or her own experience of God’s love and grace in acts of evangelism. Demonstrates a capacity to deal maturely in personal relationships with family and friends. Models stewardship as a spiritual discipline in response to God’s gifts Has read and continues to read the whole Bible in a systematic way." (character reference)