[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]World Narrative[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] [@ONL] - It is going to be slow going. Even though the sun is rising higher in the sky, it's still early. Not even 8 AM. The temperature is just above freezing now and while things are starting to melt it was a long hard snow and a long time of temperatures never getting above freezing, plus a lot of cloudy days. The snow in the area that hasn't been traveled in what looks like months is packed with snow that is hard in some places and hip deep in others. The roads seemed to be slightly more clear than around the buildings, which is good. But everything varies from step to step. Alexander will find his foot falling through what looked like solid snow one minute and walking on top of it the next. Over the last fifteen minutes he has made it about two hundred yards. But hey it's progress right? The smoke pillars are still in the distance but a little closer. Could be worse, there could be a hoard. Doesn't seem like there is one right then. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Thana Martin[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/523ed7050654d50bbae4eb51a3735349/tumblr_inline_n767baVN661szvbv0.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)[/center][hr] Jim got the radio and quickly headed over to get James truck. He would fill it up and head over to the armory to gather any of James' things. He didn't like that James was being kicked out of Newnan but he understood what was going on. There had to be some form of law here and people were emotional. Most were friends of James, so of course they would side with him not even questioning the fact he had killed someone in cold blood. Jim didn't like it but he understood that as well. Thing was, even if Richard was a Dick, he hadn't done this. At least not in his eyes. Sana had. And she was gone. End of it. It would suck not having James around for various reasons but if would snap over this it couldn't be overlooked. More than that Ash was making a point he figured, that it didn't matter who broke the law of Newnan, you got punished for it. No matter who you were. Either way it would take a little time to get things together on his end but Jim hurried, running from his position to the truck and radioing to James' detail what was up. Thana in the meantime kept her eyes fixed on Ash. Watching him take the axe and look at it. She was worried about him far more than she was James. Sure being out there sucked, not having walls, but if you knew what you were doing you could survive. James' little event proved it didn't matter how safe you were being walls, death and murder happened everywhere. It was far worse it happening inside a so called safe zone than out there. Out there you expected it, you watched for it. Here, you didn't and Thana felt that was why this entire thing went down. People had become complaisant. When you let your guard down that was when shit happened. This just proved it. Taking a breath as people started to clear out Thana showed the first sign of any emotion as she stepped over to Ash and came up behind him. Resting her hand on his shoulder for a brief moment and giving it a reassuring squeeze. [color=0072bc]"You did the right thing Captain. Never doubt that,"[/color] she said in a calm voice before letting go and stepping back away from him. She wanted to give him his space right then nearly as much as she just wanted to wrap her arms around him and hold him tight. Holding him could wait, until they were behind closed doors and away from the watchful eye of those passing as they ran this way and that to get things done and others prepared to say goodbye to James. Thana stepped away from Ash, giving him plenty of space but keeping in his line of sight at this point. If he needed her she wanted to be right where he could see her. Not far out of arms reach if he should need her support but just far enough to where if he snapped her draw had a chance against a swinging axe. It wasn't that she was afraid he would hurt her but one never knew what someone would do when they were this stressed out. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Infirmary (Building 1)[/center][hr] Tatiana hopped into the main court house and over to the infirmary with the help of Froggy. Scooting up onto one of the gurney's and propping her foot up on a pillow as Victor started to get a pan of water, some bandages, hydrogen peroxide, and other things to clean her cut up and see just how bad it was. Tatiana didn't figure it was too horrible, she had only stepped on a piece of glass from a broken tea cup. Cringing she hoped that Jack didn't step in it when he got home. She would have to clean that up. And their breakfast... She hoped it didn't go to waste. No, it could sit for a while before having to worry about it. They would still have their breakfast as soon as James was gone after she spoke with him. She would give everyone the rest of the day before she started calling them in to talk. She wasn't going to take no for an answer on that one. She wasn't having another Sana incident on her conscience. No, she would play hard ball if asking nicely didn't ask. Froggy came back and pulled up a stool next to her and got to work. Tatiana didn't say anything even when he tried to ask, she was too lost in thought of what she would be asking James, what points she would hit on, and more. This was her first serious evaluation but it was for James' safety in her mind. James' and the towns. Whether she liked it or not, if she feared that James would pose a threat she would have to tell Ash and recommend incarcerating him in a cell until he was no longer a threat. That or the worst... No, she would make sure this worked out. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=fff79a]Ryan O'Reily[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzym45prCj1qcnxvno1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Building B (Rejects R Us Housing)[/center][hr] Ryan tossed his Jack on the couch as he passed by before heading up to his room to get changed. His mind was wandering a bit as he looked into the mirror. He was having a hard time believing that James actually killed Richard. Not that he didn't see it coming but he figured it would be Richard finally ending Chocolate Thunders life, not the other way around. This put a whole new spin on things and oddly enough Ryan found himself actually respecting James on a level he never thought possible before. Not for killing Richard but over the simple fact that he had in pure revenge for all the deaths James blamed on Richard. That took balls. [color=fff79a]"God damn it..."[/color] he said after a moment of reflection. Muttering it under his breath before he grabbed his pants and slipped them over his hips. Zipping the fly he shoved his feet into his socks and then boots, lacing them up tight. Then it was time to finish getting dressed. He was moving at a hurried pace. His head barely coming out of the top of his shirt as he pulled it on as he rushed out of his room and into Richards. He grabbed Richards packs and hefted them over his shoulder before returning to his own room. Then he started rummaging through them. He knew what he wanted out of them and what he didn't. One pack was just dumped out fully but it didn't remain that way long. Ryan started emptying his drawers and refilling the pack. [color=fff79a]"I must be fucking nuts..."[/color] he said as he continued to pack. Ryan was reading to leave Newnan, with Chocolate Thunder. What the fuck was wrong with him? [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin Comfort[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2016/10/18/2f99eb5f-a2b2-4e86-bfc1-3fa19bcd42db/clayne-hair-11.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)[/center][hr] Gavin looked over to Miss Sally and shook his head. [color=f26522]"Thank you ma'am but no thanks. I hads me some right tasty grits and eggs already. I gots places to be, thank ya though,"[/color] he said tipping his hat to her before looking over towards Ravi. Ravi's words actually made the cowboy grunt and spit on the ground before looking back at him. This was not what he needed right now. Rubbing his scraggly facial hair he eyed Ravi before leaning in and resting his hand on his buddies shoulder. [color=f26522]"Listen man, yous stay heres ors I gonna put a bullet in yer knee so you lame as a dog and can't walks. Is glad yous wanna help but whats goods ya gonna be? You ain'ts evers kills someone. You just be gettin' in the ways and anyways. Yous a healer, heals man. And whose else gonnas looks after hers whiles I gone? I ain't got more trust in anyones on this earth than I dos yous. I don'ts knows how shes feels. She ain't ever been one to shows emotion outside from behinds a closed door. That dead guy could have been her greatest love and yous wouldn't knows it. She wouldn't shed a tear until she was alones. Just how she is. Unlike that bitch sister of hers. Buts I stills feels the way I do. Listen...Yous my brother,"[/color] he said in a firm tone. He didn't want to leave Ravi behind but he wasn't about to put him in danger any more than he already was just by being alive in this world. Looking down he kicked the ground some but he didn't let go of Ravi's shoulder yet. He squeezed it softly before looking back up. Gavin look torn up, sad before he continued. His tone changed from hard anger and point making to someone nearly begging. [color=f26522]"Yous my brother. I loves ya man. Takes care of hers, please. Fer me,"[/color] he said before letting go of Ravi and turning his attention back to Thana about the time she stepped away from Ash. Taking a deep breath he started over towards her. Miss Sally cocking a brow as she looked from Gavin over to Ravi. "I don't know where he is going but that right there who has made his mind up. Do I even want to know where he is going?" she pondered out loud before shaking her head and looking up at Ravi. "Let's get some tea, you can tell me all about it. We have time before the bloody fool tries to get outside the gate," she assured him. Her eyes drifted over to Gavin as he made a beeline for Thana. Oh this was not going to be good. Miss Sally's eyes went to Ash, to Thana, to Gavins guard who was staying close, and then back to Gavin. The cowboy looked like he was on a mission, she just hoped it wasn't a suicide one. [color=f26522]"Strawberry,"[/color] Gavin said as he came over to her. Thana's brow rising and about to tell him to go on and she would talk to him later but she didn't have the chance. His hand was on the back of her neck and his lips were against hers before she could blink. It was a firm kiss, deep but brief. Thana's jaw going slack as he pulled away as quickly as he had pulled her in. His eyes were glistening and he spoke quickly. [color=f26522]"'For anythang else happens, I gots to tell ya I'm sorry's. I was stupid. I was a dang blasted fool fer lettin' ya goes. I was in suchs a dark place when Christina died. Yous brought me outs of it. Shows me how to live again but I was stupids I was. I felt so guilty fers being with yas, fer hows I was feelin' abouts ya, thats I pushed ya away. I knews it was a mistake the moment you walked outs that door. Gods I wanted to go afters ya. I didn't and that was doubly stupid."[/color] He took a breath and Thana just stood there in shock still but she hadn't moved to push him away, not even as his hand came from the back of her neck and began to caress her cheek. [color=f26522]"I fells in loves with ya Strawberry. I truly did and bys the time I snapped out of the dumb shits already been hitting the fan. Jesus I wanted to finds ya, never thoughts fer a moment yous weren't alive. Never dreamt I sees yous again either. Nevers stopped lovings ya."[/color] That made Thana actually blink. [color=0072bc]"Love me?"[/color] was all she could manage to choke out. Gavin smiled slightly, a sad broken smile. [color=f26522]"Yeah babies and listen. I knows its been years. Yous probably moved on, maybes more than once since I did the dumbest thing since people decided to pass off red colored chocolate cake as Red Velvet. I ain't askin' yas to takes me back. I ain't askin' yas anything. I just lettin' ya knows I loves ya and I am so very sorrys,"[/color] he said before pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her. Thana wasn't sure what to do, he was shocking her and bomb dropping on her left and right. Slowly her arms went around him and she hugged him briefly. It made his smile brighten. [color=f26522]"I gots to be runnin', don't ya worries yer little head. I bes back one day but b'for I went I hads to tell yas. I wasn't gonna be makin' the same mistake again. Seeing ya standing there and not telling yas hows I feel. Ain't throwing a chances away,"[/color] he added before he pulled back and pushed her hair back out of her face. [color=0072bc]"Your leaving?"[/color] she asked confused and the sound of her voice could have been anything between concerned, depressed, or just confused. [color=0072bc]"Why?"[/color] [color=f26522]"Gots some justice of me own to deal outs but I be's back. Ain't asking yas to wait, just askins yas to think is all. About's fergiving me."[/color] Thana could only nod a bit, she could give him that much. If she could give him more? She couldn't answer. This entire thing was throwing her for a loop and it was taking everything in her to remain as stoic as she was. Kissing her brow he let her go and walked off back towards the Mess Hall. He had to grab his bag before heading to the front gate.