The bandit who had been attacking the girl found himself engaged with the boy instead. He brought his axe as quickly as he could and managed to block most of the boy's attack, turning what would have been a fatal blow into a wounding one. He grit his teeth and endured the pain, returning the attack with one of his own, a small, sweeping, sideways attack. The boy was fast and would be hard to hit, but if he could land a blow, the boy would slow down and thus be easier to handle. The two who had been attacking the boy momentarily found themselves without an opponent. They tried to engage with the boy once again, but only one was able to go and help. The other had a Lightning spell coming for his face. Out of pure instinct the man brought his axe up to block the attack. Sparks danced across the metal of the blade. The man stared at it in shock for a moment, before what had just happened registered in his brain. "She's a mage!" He cried, before turning and running. The other two bandits, who were engaging the boy immediately stopped. Magic wasn't something that they came across very often, but they knew the damage that could be caused by it. Though they managed to keep hold of their axes, they too fled after the their companion. Leaving only Brax, the scout, and the man who still lay on the ground with a possible concussion. Brax's face was turning red with fury. "You cowards!" He screamed after his fleeing men. "If I ever see your faces again, I'll put my axe through them!" With no other option left, Brax gave the hand signal to the scout, but was surprised when the man suddenly stood up, giving away his position. He held his hands out in a peaceful pose. "Sorry man, you don't pay me enough to deal with magic, I'm out." With Brax left alone, the scout knew what the outcome of this battle would be. He turned to the two they had been previously attacking and bowed to them. "Have a nice evening." He said, before he too turned and fled. At this point, Brax was furious, and not thinking straight. All he knew was that these two who should have been an easily catch had just disband his entire crew with a single spell. With a cry of rage he rushed the two of the them, swinging his axe in a huge, but extremely powerful, arc. He no longer had the mental capacity to care what the outcome would be. All he was thinking about was restoring his lost pride, so that he could go hunt down his former crew and kill them.