[center][h1][u][b]The Kalpian Republic L1899[/b][/u][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KjQh0O1.png[/img] [/center] [center] [u][b]The Kalpian Deparment of Military Police[/b][/u] [/center] It didn't took much for the General Staff to set up the Department of Military Police, it was an idea long ago crafted by the General Tadeusz Seweryn Budny to serve as a tool of the army to make sure that no foreign country had influence over the republic and therefore could interfere with the protection of Kalpia and all its citizens, but both the General Staff and the civilian government didn't believe that it was needed, after all, it was a period of peace and stability, and most of the Kalpian resources were put into the Grand Kalpian Railway system. Now it seems like a necessity as tensions rise, first from the south and then on the North, as such, the general staff thinks that it would be best to put the department in action now rather than wait for later. The whole affair wasn't very public as one would expect of a department which intention was to undermine foreign influence over the country, the officers and agents of the department were chosen directly by the top staff of the Army, as such, only people who could really be trusted were assigned to the department. Much effort was put into keeping the DMP low from the public and foreign eye, such as registering it as a branch of the police under the name of "Department of Internal Security". Not much activity from the Department of Military police is expected for the first years, as tensions are still low and the general staff only wants to be ready, if for any reason a foreign power wanted to lurk within the bureaucracy of the Republic [center] [u][b]The Roads of Tarist[/b][/u] [/center] Tarist has always been an old city, one of the oldest in the entirety of Kalpia and as such it is also the cultural heart of the Republic, as it was there where democracy was born for Kalpia, Tarist is a symbol of unity and strength for the Kalpians, whom once they overthrew their king on a bloody revolution, they were free to thrive and prosper unlike no other nation in the continent or at least that's what the typical guide will say to you if ever go there. On the other hand, Tarist is also a city that has fallen behind in terms of technology and infrastructure in comparison to the rest of the Republic cities and towns, as only recently the Grand Kalpian Railway was able to give Tarist the push it needed to join back the standard in the republic, but it is still on need of new and improved infrasctructure, in order to cover for its growing population and to keep the city pretty, in order to keep the masses of the Kalpians appeased and content. Not for nothing the government ordered more roads to be built and to get the existing roads renovated. All of this assigned to the new company of Metropolitan Heavy Industries.