She picked up the little paper slip and unfolded it, looking over the details of their meetup before putting the paper in her pocket. It looked like a good time to her, unless something came up. She waved goodbye to Sally, watching her drift away on the floor (still a very cool power to have in her eyes) before popping open her textbook again. Just as she started reading, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the librarian wave to her. Bonny didn’t want to be rude, so she looked up from her textbook to return the small greeting. With that done, she went back to her book /again/- gosh, there were so many distractions today. But she was finally ready to get a good chunk of this textbook read and caught up on- "Shawn In, Heidi Williams, Tatiana Mystikos, Chrys Corriender, Bonny Bonavide, and Rosemary. Please report to Professor Xavier's study." … Seriously. She stared up at the nearest speaker in unamusement, as if her disappointment at the interruption could be carried straight to whoever spoke. It was like this textbook didn’t want to be read. Well, nothing she could do about it at that point. Bonny closed her textbook, tucked it under her arm and stood up from her seat. She poked around the computers for a moment to find the teacher; once she found him, she quickly explained that she was called and would come pick up the rest of her books from the classroom later. With a parting farewell of a wave, she left the library. The walk from the library to the study was pretty uneventful, and she made her way there as quick as she could go. Only one of the people from the announcement rang a bell to her- Shawn, the guy that helped her in math. Unless there were two Shawns. That would suck. When she reached the entrance to the study, she knocked a few times on the door before opening it and slipping inside. “Yo, I was called?”