[center][h1]~ Chapter 142 ~[/h1] [sub]Order Of Chaos 101: Adarine[/sub][/center] The plans couldn't be held back for anyone. Things had to keep moving forward. This entire situation was bigger than any one person, and Mikey intended to see it through to the end. Right now, he was speaking with the guard, and reviewing the defensive perimeters of Tech-Mo. It might have not made a difference if Ada, or any of the Order attacked with all of their strength, but sitting back and taking it would lead to their doom. Perhaps, if they were to keep Ada entertained, she wouldn't decide to wipe them out. It was an unfortunate circumstance. Geode stood in front of Bruce, Jenso, Oswald and Jeff, with a console near him. They were organised in one of the spare rooms. It wasn't glorious, but there was just enough space for Geode to talk. He sighed and looked over the attendance, aware that Alvios was out of commission. "Today we'll be reviewing Ada," Geode started, "The ludicrously curvaceous witch who seems to feed off of the suffering of others. Her sadism and chaotic behaviour, mixed with her veiled capacity for strategic manipulation, makes her a fearfully difficult person to fight against effectively..." He paused and pressed a button on the console nearby. A holographic image of Ada's body flashed next to Geode. She stood about 5'8'' tall, and had a lithe body frame. "Physically, we don't know her strength. But it can be assumed that she's not very durable, as Jenso was able to knock her out with a single flame dragon punch, while in his base form. It seems she is frail, and not very agile without the aid of her purple ooze. The ooze in question however.." Another hologram appeared surrounding Ada, a torrent of purple goo like the stuff she'd conjured in the past. "I've titled it [i]Malice Muck[/i]. Its density ranges. As we've seen, it can become as hard as steel, or as fluid as water. I don't doubt she can create gaseous substitutes as well. It is resistant to all forms of magic, but appears to fall apart when met with pure Ki. Arki has a grand effect as well, but we don't know exactly how strong it can be if it's focused properly. We also don't know the limits of this goo. Ada uses it offensively, defensively, and can create semi-sentient clones of whomever she wishes. The clones themselves are capable of match Jenso's strength, on their own, and cannot be defeated without overwhelming them with Ki." "Ada on her own, would seem like the least powerful out of everyone in the Order, in a one-on-one encounter. If she's thinking strategically, she won't try to fight any of us if we demonstrate a great deal of power. This goo can move [i]fast[/i] and be created [i]even faster.[/i] With that in mind, we'll focus on her more dangerous ability: Mind control." An image of Dacer flashed into view, and Geode continued. "Dacer, A Gaian. According to Ross, Dacer's power is comparable with Lark's. As his is now, in his base form, he may be able to match, or outmatch, all of our trumps. According to our Intel, Ada may be able to have him access his one with nature transformation as well. In that form, I can't even begin to fathom what we'd be up against. Ross is a great asset, however. He's taught be a great deal about Dacer." Geode paused and changed the hologram into one of Dacer's bow, enlarged and detailed. "The windslash bow. Gaian weaponry is unique. It is created with an extension of Gaia's Ki, which means it can exist outside the body for much longer than regular Ki. However, if the weapons are dropped for more then ten seconds, they disperse entirely, as if they were to die. If this was to happen, a Gaian's energy source would fall by one third, as summoning a new weapon is costly. Unfortunately, Gaians and desummon their weapons at no cost, instantly. Disarming one is particularly difficult as it is, so this might not be a viable option. But if the opportunity presents itself, [i]go for it immediately.[/i]" "We should instead focus on Ada's manipulation ability, as it presents a simpler option. If we can find the candle associated with Dacer, we can break him free of her curse. We don't know their limits, however, or where she'd even hide it. That's why I'll be playing recon, if a battle with Ada were to occur. If I'm correct, she's using void energy as a primary resource, which means I'll be able to track the candle if I can focus for long enough. Unfortunately, in this body, I am frail and powerless, otherwise. Keeping me safe will be yet another priority." Geode paused and waited to see if there were any questions, just yet.