[i]Dusk?![/i] Aeris thought, his body tensing up as he heard his friend's vioce. Really, he should have expected it, but it always came as a bit of a surprise to see him again after they'd seperated. Almost as if a part of him didn't expect him to return. That part he really tried not to pay any attention to. Dusk, and his new companion's casual appearance was at least as bizzarre as the seemingly unrelated one by a short-haired girl and a long-bearded fellow who simply... strolled in. What were the chances of two random people finding him and his flock in [i]such [/i]a place? [color=Sienna][i]There are no chances. ...only last chances.[/i][/color] Aries almost rolled his eyes at that. [i]Sometimes you really don't sound as intimidating as you think.[/i] Dusk must have met them before and given them directions, surely. Even when the short exchange revealed that really wasn't the case, Aries refused to let the nagging feeling that something's off bother him and focused on the presnt. Once a double-check confirmed that was indeed Dusk, the other man felt a weight lift off his shoulders. It hadn't been long, but taking care of other people really had taken its toll on him. Not least because nothing he said had exactly the same effect as their leader's words. "Welcome." He addressed the newcommers hastily before turning to his friend, keeping his voice low in the hope that no one would overhear. "I think we should talk as soon as we can do so in private." That said, he took his jacket and left the cabin heading into the nearby wood. Meanwhile Jay, who was just sturring awake, was busy staring at the newcomers, and the man in perticular. Now that she was (mostly) well rested and (mostly) clean, the woman could concentrate on something other than herself. There was nothing discreet about Bear's looks, it was an all-out freak show. What was he up to, cosplaying?[i] Or, don't tell me that not only do people like us exist, but so do werewolves too? Surely not![/i] Then again, the was a dragon flying about the room and a boy who claimed to be able to cast curses, so how unbelievable would that be, really? She'd heard a whisper about a dead bear around the cabin so quite frankly, a werewolf ally sounded better than all the other causes she could think of. Of course, that was assuming that allies were to be had in this place. Jay didn't really trust anyone here. Half of them looked too naive for their own good, and the other half, well. They were the ones you wanted as friends. If push came to shove, very few people in the room would survive. Kaesar, Lucy, Horus.. that's who she'd bet her cards on. That was why she'd been trying to strike a conversation with most anyone who would listen. Information was a weapon, one of the most dangerous she knew, and she wanted to polish it well before half of these people took their knowledge to their graves. The woman stretched her stiff muscles and looked outside the window estimating it was the early hours of the day, somewhere between dawn and noon. One thing you could take from barely scraping by for weeks at a dump yard. It teaches you to pay attention to trivialities like the sun and moon. Sitting up and running a hand through her tousled hair she greeted the newcomers with a simple nod and glanced around the room. "Don't you think maybe it's time to discuss what we know about Elvarren?" She left the question hang, the weight of it filling the room like thick smoke.