Camilla did her best to stay awake while Cydric slept. It proved far more difficult than she imagined, the enervating effect of the rain, the warmth of the small fire and just the familiar security of being indoors conspired to make her drowse. The third time she started to doze off she took action. Pushing herself to her feet she took the waterskins from the pack and filled them from the guttering run off that the rain cascaded down the walls of the defile. That accomplished she scouted around the room, careful to keep quiet. Opening one of the chests she found nothing but ancient desicated mould and cob web. The second one was more fruitful. Inside the ancient and ornate box was some mouldering silk clothing, a helmet of some odd silvery metal and a pair of daggers, with intricate gold wire hilts that sparkled with inlayed precious stones. She held the daggers in the air, allowing the gold to sparkle in the firelight. The blades had an odd geometric curve to them which seemed in keeping with the flowing carving. They must be worth a fortune. "Ranald be praised," she murmured in wonder, before tucking the weapons into her belt. She considered the helmet for a minute and was about to put it back when an idea struck her. Taking the helmet back to the fire she upended it an poured some water into it, sluicing away the dirt. She added some more water and settled the helmet into the fire as a improvised cooking pot. A few pieces of jerky and she had an improvised soup cooking. It was a shame there would be no vegetables. Eager to see what other loot their might be in the strange room Camilla began to scout the edges. She took a burning chair leg to serve as an improvised torch. On the far side of the room she found an oddly asyemetric opening, that led to what seemed to be a hall. As the light fell across the blackness she heard a slight skittering and there was a sudden intense smell that she couldn't place. A sense of danger and foreboding flooded through her and she took a convulsive step backwards. Something hurtled out of the darkness at incredible speed, pain exploded through her chest and she had a momentary impression of fur, claws and gleaming red eyes. She was airborne for a moment and then she slammed into one of the stone statues and there was only blackness. [@POOHEAD189]