[quote=@Jdsuiter28] Well i started RP in hopes of getting involved in an Cmen based one.. or something g of that topic i.e. Avengers, SHIELD, Marvel in general.. and preferably with a group [/quote] There's quite a lot of those, so scouring through various interest checks and/or OOCs may lead you to a Roleplay like that. Since you've decided that you won't be Roleplaying in 1x1, then you should consider if you would want to write in Free, Casual, or Advanced. Seeing as you're new to Roleplaying, I would recommend Free as it does tend to act as a "starting spot" for those that are learning the hobby. I'm not sure if there are any Roleplays in Free that follow those fandoms, but it might be worth a shot to take a look. And if you can't find one? You can make one. That's the beauty of Roleplaying. You can also use this marvelous gem of a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/roleplays]search feature[/url] to help you find what you're looking for (in your case "fandom" may be the tag to investigate).