Sergeant Longwater could not help but smile as the heroes of the night one by one offered their aid to Greenest in the near future, and to be fair once Parum had spoken a faint excuse of a one could momentarily be noticed on that damaged features of the governor as well. But if one missed that split second, it was long gone. The older man had listened to each of the present adventurers sharing their view on it and once they had done just that, he was ready to share what he himself had thought: "[color=lightblue]I had dared dream that you would offer your aid in finding their camp. Good to see that the hopes of an old governor are not something to discard as flight of fancy![/color]" Having joined the conversation once more, he headed to the edge of the battlements and motioned the adventurers to join him. "[color=lightblue]While I would love to send a few of my guard out there with you, you have seen with your own eyes what has happened to our town. We need most, if not all of my men to rebuild. Judging by the words of the prisoner, they have no intention of returning. And what would they even have to gain?[/color]" He shook his head, before turning to face the trio instead of his beloved town. "[color=lightblue]I cannot offer much aid for striking at their camp, but come morning I should have been able to gather all the supplies you may need. I have a feeling they won't be staying around that much longer... there are fires all around. They must have had the chance to go through the belongings of my fine people by now. Thieves and no-goods...[/color]" It was evident that the situation hurt the governor more than just the sum of his wounds. As the man sighed, sergeant Longwater interjected from the side: "[color=lightgray]But indeed, I would also like to suggest you to rest and prepare for tomorrow. If the Governor is right, you might well need to move early.[/color]" That was all he had to say to the two men and the halfling, as he next moved to the governor's side. "[color=lightgray]Governor Nighthill, sir, I would suggest you to rest as well...[/color]" he suggested to the leader. The governor was having none of it. "[color=lightblue]Nonsense. I will not rest if the good people of Greenest are still out there. If they can stay awake, so can I! They need a leader now, not some old man snoozing away while they look for guidance.[/color]" [@Ryonara][@Gordian Nought][@The Harbinger of Ferocity]