Cyrdic groaned, and rolled over. He was within the impasse between awake and asleep. Most people immediately fell asleep straight away once more, but something in reality grabbed him, pulling him into consciousness. The rain still beat down outside, but there was another sound that filled his ears. It was water as well, but there was something... He breathed in through his nose. He smelled cooked meat, and something far more rancid, though the smell was elusive. He opened his eyes to an over boiling pot. [i]What, by Taal?[/i] He pushed himself upwards, and let out another groan as he reoriented himself. Quickly, he got up when he realized the urgency of the pot, and he kicked it over to spill onto the ground, away from the fire with a clatter. "Camilla?" He called, spinning. He didn't yell, merely spoke the name aloud. But the 'tomb' was small enough for anyone to have heard that. If they were still there, that is. Something was wrong. That was coming from deeper within. He knelt down and picked up one of the pieces of kindling, a flame at its end. He approached the back end of the room, and spoke her name aloud once more. The sight of the door leading further inwards made him realize just what she'd done. "Damn," he muttered, hurrying back to pick up his weapons and armor. Strapping them on, he cocked his pistol and held aloft his brand once more, entering into the dark in pursuit. [hr] Grabrat the Lurker and his two slaves had tied the manthings hands behind its back. He had almost squirted the musk of fear when they had entered, for he thought it had been a burly Orc or Troll. What a man-thing was doing in here, Grabrat didn't know. Better to let Clan leader Niprend question them, yes yes. Besides, one Skavenslave needed to haul the warpstone they had found, its chaos energy safe in the bottle they carried. It gave an eerie glow. But this man-thing was so heavy! Even with his other Skaven slave, it was awkward carrying the man-thing. They had only gone into the next cavern when they decided that was best. Grabrat's tail twitched, and he smacked Camilla on the head. "Ugly man-thing, up up!" [@Penny]