[h1][center][b][u]The World as We Know It[/u][/b][/center][/h1] [center][[b]Turn 3[/b] -- July, 1899 to September, 1899.][/center] [center][hider=Great Power Privilege (1899)] 1. [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b] - None 2. [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] - None 3. [b][color=beige]Empire of Tara[/color][/b] - None 4. [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antarian Empire[/color][/b][/hider] [hider=Rules to Know] - 1. For your [b]Political Clout[/b] actions to take effect, you must post IC. - 2. Whomever posts first has precedence. [Example: Nation A declares war on Nation B. Nation C signs Defensive Alliance with Nation B. If Nation A posts first, this means Nation C cannot effectively sign said alliance and be 'called to arms.' - 3. Once your orders are sent, they cannot be altered or canceled. - 4. [b]Declaring War[/b] without an [b]Event[/b] or [b]Cassus belli[/b] incurs -2 Stability.][/hider][/center] [hider=Game Mechanics] I. [b]Clout[/b] 1. A [b]Turn[/b] represents 3 months (Jan-March, April-June, July-September, October-December) 2. Every [b]Turn[/b] a nation has [b]4 Clout[/b]. 3. Clout can be used on the following: - [b][color=green]Colonization / Imperialization[/color][/b]: Advance your culture in the world. - [b][color=yellow]Economics[/color][/b]: Strengthen your own industry. - [b][color=blue]Politics[/color][/b]: Pass laws, appoint ministers, generals, admirals and stabilize the government. - [b][color=red]Army [or] Navy[/color][/b]: Bolster a section of your armed forces. - [b][color=gray]Foreign Affairs[/color][/b]: The pen is mightier than the sword. - [b]Home Front[/b]: Listen to the people, or shut them up. 4. So at the start of a turn, you select where you'd like to spend your political clout. - If you spend 1 Clout on a single action, you roll 1d6. - If you spend 2 Clout on a single action, you roll 1d6 and receive a +1 on that roll. - If you spend 3 Clout on a single action, you roll 1d6, receive +2 you lose 1 Stability. 5. If you get a [b]7[/b] you may choose either a [b]Major Success[/b] or an [b]Innovation[/b]. Results occur on a 1d6. 1 is an abysmal failure and 6 is a resounding success. 6. When you use Clout, give an example of what you're hoping to accomplish. (IE: Foreign Affairs: hope to achieve an alliance with Nation X, or Colonization: Set up a minor colony in Settumu.) II. [b]Great Power Status[/b] [list][*]There are [b]5 Great Powers[/b] in [b]The World as We Know It[/b]. [Every 10,000 Active Duty soldiers = 1 Point] + [Number Pre-Dreadnoughts multiplied by 25] + [-1 Point for every $1,000,000 of Debt.] + [1 Point for every 1,000,000 Population] + [Number of Colonies multiplied by 20] + [1 Point for every Infrastructure]. [b][u]Great Powers[/u][/b] 1. [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b] = [Army = 58 Points] + [2 Pre-Dreadnoughts = 50 Points] + [Zero Debt] + [71,000,000 Population = 71 Points] + [0 Colonies] + [69 Infrastructure] = [b]248 Prestige[/b]. 2. [b][color=purple]Tyro-Redanian Empire[/color][/b] = [Army = 38 Points] + [0 Pre-Dreadnoughts = 0 Points] + [Zero Debt] + [91,000,000 Population = 91 Points] + [0 Colonies] + [42 Infrastructure] = [b]363 Points[/b]* (*+192 for [b]Wolfram Prestige[/b]. -1/Month). 3. [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] = [Army = 75 Points] + [0 Pre-Dreadnoughts = 0 Points] + [-17 for -$17,400,000] + [64,600,000 Population = 64 Points] + [0 Colonies] + [52 Infrastructure] = [b]174 Points[/b] 4. [b][color=lightgreen]Imperium of Hiron[/color][/b] = [Army = 13 Points] + [4 Pre-Dreadnoughts = 100 Points] + [Zero Debt] + [54,600,000 Population = 54 Points] + [0 Colonies] + [77 Infrastructure] = [b]144 Points[/b]* (*[b]Non-Continental[/b] -100) [*][b]Great Power Privileges[/b]: Once per Year, a Great Power may use one of the following: - May call a [b]Conference[/b] for other nations to attend. - Increase Stability by 1. - Increase any die roll by 1 [Before it's rolled]. (Can be used to achieve an [b]Innovation[/b] or [b]Major Success[/b]). - Increase/Decrease Relations by 1 with a non-Great Power nation. - [b]Mobilize[/b] or [b]Demobilize[/b] without the use [b]1 Clout[/b].[/list] III. [b]Designing Weapons of War[/b] [list][*]During the game, a nation may require new weapons of war. They may during this by using [b]1 Clout[/b] to [b]Request a Design Competition[/b]. [Only 1 Clout can be used]. [*][b][u]Request a Design Competition[/u][/b] [Only 1 Clout can be used]. * Please use the [b]Following Form[/b]: - [b]Type of Weapon[/b]: [Rifle], [Machine Gun], [Field Gun] - [b]Companies Involved[/b]: [Name of Company] [Skill of Category], [etc, etc] - [b]Design Requests[/b]: [What general specifications are hoped to gain with this design] [*][b]Design Process[/b]: - After you submit a Design process. 1d12 is rolled for a "Prototype Design" to emerge. Private Companies will submit theirs 2 months faster. - Each design will be randomly named and have an approximated design strength of 1 to 20 + [Skill of the Company] - If you select the [b]Design[/b] of a Company who developed a [b]Weapon[/b] initially higher than their Skill, they will gain +1 Skill.[/list] IV. [b]Building a Fleet[/b] [list][*][b]Design a Ship[/b] (Use the following form below) - [b]Type of Ship[/b]: [Armed Merchant], [Minelayer], [Destroyer], [Light Cruiser], [Armored Cruiser], [Pre-Dreadnought], [Submarine]* [Submarines require [b]ONLY[/b] the categories with a *] - [b]Class Name[/b]: [Insert Name Here]-class - [b]Expected Number & Names of Ship(s)[/b]: [Number Here], [Name 1, Name 2, Name 3] - [b]Design Specifications[/b]: For the point of Random Number Generators, you have 20 Die. You may place as many Die in a category as you wish, with a minimum of 0. The more die you have, the better chance of a high quality in that department. Some categories require a certain amount of die. - [b]Cost[/b]: Every 1 Die you [b]Use[/b] will increase the cost of the ship by $10,000 per Turn to build. - [b]Time to Build[/b]: Every 1 Die you [b]Place[/b] equals 1 Month of build time. * [b]Accommodations[/b]*: [Cramped, gives you +2 Extra Die], [Normal, -1 Die], [Luxurious, -X Die, for every Die inserted here gives +2% Morale in Combat] * [b]Speed[/b]*: [X Amount of Die Here] * [b]Range[/b]: [Coastal, +1 Extra Die], [Normal, -2 Die], [Colonial, -5 Die] * [b]Reliability[/b]*: [X Amount of Die Here] * [b]Belt Armor[/b]: [X Amount of Die Here] * [b]Deck Armor[/b]: [X Amount of Die Here] * [b]Turret Armor[/b]: [X Amount of Die Here] * [b]Torpedo Defense[/b]: [X Amount of Die Here] * [b]Fire Control Systems[/b]: [X Amount of Die Here] * [b]Fire Control Stations[/b]: [X Amount of Die Here] * [b]Main Gains[/b]: [X Amount of Die Here] * [b]Secondary Guns[/b]: [X Amount of Die Here] * [b]Torpedoes[/b]*: [X Amount of Die Here][/list] [list][*][b]Maintaining Fleets & Colonial Possessions[/b] - Every Ship has a [b]Tonnage[/b] listing. - Every [b]Overseas Possession[/b] requires X amount of [b]Tonnage[/b] on Station or it's shipping and citizens will be unprotected. Ending a turn without necessary Tonnage will incur a [b]Monetary Penalty[/b] of $500,000 for every [b]1,000 Tonnage[/b] missing. - Every [b]Overseas Possession[/b] must also have [b]Naval Bases[/b] once you have more than 4,000 Tons on Station. - [b]Naval Bases[/b] are built using [b]Naval Clout[/b] and can support 1,000 Tons per 1d6 Rolled. - [b]Ships[/b] with [b]Cramped[/b] Accommodations lose -2% Morale per Season that they are on an Overseas Station. - [b]Ships[/b] with [b]Normal[/b] Accommodations lose -1% Morale per Season that they are on an Overseas Station.[/list] V. [b]Mobilization[/b] [list][*]There are three stages: [b]Demobilized[/b], [b]Partial Mobilization[/b] and [b]Full Mobilization[/b]. [*][b]1 Political Clout[/b] in [b]Army[/b] must be used to move from [[b]Demobilized[/b]] to either of the two forms of Mobilization as well going from [b]Mobilized[/b] to [b]Demobilized[/b]. [*][b]Demobilized[/b] is a state where your Active Duty and Reservists are at their local garrisons distributed throughout the nation. In this state, you may only control your Active Duty soldiers. You may not give orders to Reservists. [*][b]Partial Mobilization[/b] calls up your Active Duty soldiers into a coherent force. They receive a bonus to military operations and you may give orders to Reservists. [*][b]Full Mobilization[/b] calls up your Reservists, turning them into Active Duty soldiers.[/list] VI. [b]Civilian Industry[/b] [list][*]Each Civilian Industry is listed in the following way: [i]Name of the Company[/i] [Skill of the Company], ([i]Category of the Company[/i]) and [Status of the Company] - [b]Example[/b]: [i]Imperial & Royal Railways[/i] [1] ([i]Railways[/i]) [Nationalized] [*]An Industry can only build the units of the category it's in. [*]Civilian industries are either [b]Private[/b] or [b]Nationalized[/b]. [*][b]Private Industries[/b] generate work based on requirement. - Every Turn, your Private Industries roll 1d10, subtract the [b]Global Economy Roll[/b] and perform according to that number. [*][b]National Industries[/b] generate work when ordered to. [*][b]Civilian Categories[/b]: [Shipping] [Heavy Industry] [Rail][/list] VII. [b]Armaments Industry[/b] [list][*]Each Armaments Industry is listed in the following way: [i]Name of the Company[/i] [Skill of the Company], ([i]Category of the Company[/i]) and [Status of the Company] - [b]Example[/b]: [i]Guntherson & Co[/i] [1] ([i]Small Arms[/i]) [Nationalized] [*]An Industry can only build the units of the category it's in. [*]Armaments industries are either [b]Private[/b] or [b]Nationalized[/b]. [*][b]Private[/b] Companies fulfill Production Orders using [b]Economic Clout[/b]. - [color=0054a6][b]Creating a Private Company[/b][/color]: Every turn, roll 1d100 then subtract [b]Global Economy Roll[/b] and 1 for every [b][color=red]-$500,000[/color][/b] debt you have. Once you accumulate 400 points, you may spend [b]1 Clout[/b] to generate a [b]Private Company[/b] based on demand or spend [b]2 Clout[/b] to pick the starting category and Skill 2. - They receive a +5% Production Bonus based on their Skill. - They receive a +/-10% Production Penalty based on the [b]Global Economy Roll[/b]. - When they fulfill an order, there is a 1d20 chance of their skill increasing on a roll of 12+ with [b]Skill[/b] and [b]Global Economy Modifiers[/b]. On a roll of 18-20, a [b]Private[/b] company will add an additional Category to its repertoire. [*][b]Nationalized[/b] Companies fulfill Production Orders using [b]Economic Clout[/b]. - [b][color=red]Creating a National Company[/color][/b]: Spend $7,500,000. Begins Skill 1. May pick the category. - They receive 0% Production Bonus based on their Skill. - They receive +/-5% Production Bonus based on the [b]Global Economy Roll[/b]. - When they fulfill an order, there is a 1d20 chance of their skill increasing on a roll of 16+ with [b]Skill[/b] and [b]Global Economy Modifiers[/b]. - To add an additional category to it's repertoire is [$X0,000,000 with X being the current Skill of the company.] - To add a Skill level to the company is [X,000,000+$10,000,000 with X being the current Skill of the company.] [*][b]Armaments Categories[/b]: [Small Arms] [Field Guns] [Machine guns*] * Requires that [b]Technology[/b] or an [b]Export License[/b].[/list][/hider] [hider=Current Wars] 1. [b]Wauwanti War[/b] ([i][color=beige]Empire of Tara[/color][/i] vs [i]Wauwanti Empire[/i]) 2. [b]Zello-Osladian War[/b] ([color=pink][i]Kingdom of Zellonia[/i][/color] vs [i][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/i], [i][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/i]) 3. [b]Karumi War of Aggression[/b] ([i]Tsardom of Karum[/i] vs [i]Principality of Serona[/i])[/hider] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5Q31LO3.png[/img] [i]Zello-Osladian theater of war, 1899[/i][/center] [h2][u][b]September[/b][/u][/h2] [b][u]September 1st[/u][/b] The [b][color=yellow]Republic of Itherae[/color][/b] begins a campaign of propaganda against the [b]Tsardom of Karum[/b], citing their expansionist nature and militarization as a threat to "Continental peace." Surrounded on all sides by Great Powers, Karum's saber rattling has since had little effect on anyone but the otherwise placid Seronan politicians to the Southeast. With the Zello-Osladian War raging in the Zellian and Smaragd Sea's, few see the rhetoric of Itheraen President Alexei Georgas. The people however, are united and rally behind him, ushering in huge rallies in Napeze, Diopolis and the Capital. [[b]Event[/b]: The [b][color=yellow]Republic of Itherae[/color][/b] gains [b]+1 Stability[/b].] [b][u]September 2nd[/u][/b] The coronation of Empress Tsirina went on, some say, despite 'The War' that raged less than 500 kilometers to the east. Taking place not in the Palace but at the Golden Pavilion where some of the greatest painters and architects of the Revival lay. While the Osladian Tsar and the Zellonian King were extended invites, both of whom refused, the most important guest, Tsar Pyotr II of Radena, was in attendance. An over the top affair that lasted well into the tonight, the coronation was an exercise in Veletian politics: flash and spectacle. The entire trip home, Pyotr II--speaking Veletian, no less--spoke excitedly of the event, reciting in particular detail every one of his favorite moments. [[b]Event[/b]: The [b][color=lavender]Veletian Empire[/color][/b] gains [b]+1 Relation[/b] with the [b][color=blue]Tsardom of Radena[/color][/b]] [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Paris_Exposition_Italian_Pavilion%2C_Paris%2C_France%2C_1900_n2.jpg[/img] [i]La Pavilion d'Or, Veletia, 1899[/i][/center] [b][u]September 3rd[/u][/b] The [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] sets up the Department of Military Police. Funded to establish the control of potential dissidents, the DMP employs nearly 5,500 agents across the entire nation with their sights set on controlling the borders to ensure that potential wrongdoers are not granted entrance into the nation. [b][u]September 4th[/u][/b] The [b]Tsardom of Karum[/b] submits the [i]Salaz Ultimatum[/i]. A political manifesto requesting that the [b]Principality of Serona[/b] immediately cede it's territories harboring at least 10% Karumi citizens or face immediate war. The Seronan government, hoping to avoid both war and potentially losing a third of its territories, have asked the government of [b][color=skyblue]Kalpia[/color][/b] to arbitrate these demands. [b][u]September 5th[/u][/b] The [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b] immediately sends a delegation to refute the Kalpian's insistence of Karumi aggression in the area. Given that they were tenuous allies in the [b]Zello-Osladian War[/b], the Kalpians managed to stall Oslad during negotiations in Salaz long enough for the [b]Tsardom of Karum[/b] to send an official declaration of war to the [b]Principality of Serona[/b]. The [b]Karumi War of Aggression[/b] had just started, and both Osladian and Kalpian diplomats left Salaz feeling as if they had accomplished too little. [[b]Event[/b]: [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] and [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b] suffer [b]-1 Relations[/b]] [b][u]September 6th[/u][/b] In Lieubeth, Kalpia, President Reimund Braun addresses a 1,000 men assembly of the Kalpian Republican Navy, hours before they set sail in their war against the [b][color=pink]Kingdom of Zellonia[/color][/b]. He speaks of resistance against oppression, and strength in the face of adversity. "I salute you, brave soldiers of the Republican Navy, for the swift victory you are about to bring." [[b]Event[/b]: [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republican Navy[/color][/b] gains +15% Morale] [b][u]September 7th[/u][/b] The [i]KRN Grunewalde[/i], a Kalpian submarine, leaves Karp harbor. Approximately 11 hours later it surfaces 44 nautical miles off the coast of Zeel in the Smaragd Sea and torpedoes the [i]ZRN Danielson[/i], a 12,000-ton merchant freighter carrying spices to Veletia. The survivors are left in the water. [center][img]http://www.submarine-history.com/NOVAholland3.jpg[/img] [i]The[/i] KRN Grunewalde[i] on it's way out of Karp, 1899[/i][/center] Two hours later the same submarine surfaces, at about dusk, and attacks the [i]ZRN Halloway[/i], a 9,000-ton merchant ship carrying foodstuffs back from Tyro-Redania. She sinks in 44 minutes, with the [i]Grunewalde[/i]'s wake disappearing in the distance. [[b]Event[/b]: [b][color=pink]Kingdom of Zellonia[/color][/b]'s [b]Army[/b] suffers -1% Morale] [b][u]September 8th[/u][/b] While war raged in the Zellian Sea, the [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] ordered it's first sortie in the neighboring Smaragd Sea on the 8th of September. The [b]1st Kalpian Fleet[/b] under Admiral Walenty Norbert Sobol departed Lieubeth before sunrise with 4 armored cruisers, 5 light cruisers and 10 destroyers. They sallied across the Smaragd Sea and arrived first at the coastal city of Kenlth. For four and a half hours the city endured a nefarious waiting game while the ships sat half a mile off shore. And did nothing. They moved later to the coastal metropolis of Jovington, where the firepower of the Kalpian fleet trained their guns on the shipyard there, destroying a destroyer keel that had just been laid. It took over 700 shells from Kalpian guns. With the sun near it's apex, the ships loitered for a while longer--the Kalpian sailors close enough to see the beleaguered citizens of Zellonia, who could do nothing. Then the Kalpian fleet sailed back home to Liubeth. [b][u]September 9th[/u][/b] The Veletian Gendarmerie Colonel Edouart Larousse and 160 officers arrive in Xuefeng, Meung after nearly four and a half weeks at sea aboard the ship [i]Lefeuvre[/i]. They are on a diplomatic mission to help the dilapidated and otherwise underfunded and under trained officer corps of the Meung Dominion. The training, expected to take nearly eighteen months is an attempt to increase relations between the Dominion and Violette. The [b][color=lavender]Veletian Empire[/color][/b] hopes to benefit from increased trade relations with Meung in the near future. [[b]Event[/b]: [[b][color=lavender]Veletian Gendarmerie[/color][/b] receives +4% Morale and +1 Relations with [b][color=brown]Meung Dominion[/color][/b]] [center][img]http://multimedia.scmp.com/ww1-china/img/cover.png[/img] [i]A Meung Dominion Army Brigade, 1899[/i][/center] [b][u]September 10th[/u][/b] The [b][color=blue]Tyro-Redanian Empire[/color][/b] and the [b][color=yellow]Republic of Itherae[/color][/b] sign a Trade Pact agreeing for the former to sell 2,000 tons of chromium a year in exchange for a similar amount of oil. [b][u]September 11[/u][/b] The [b][color=darkblue]Tsardom of Radena[/color][/b] sends Maslov Yamelyarovich to the [b][color=lightgreen]Imperium of Hiron[/color][/b] and quickly sorts out a deal for over 10,000 tons of grain and fish in exchange for $10,000,000. For $10,000,000 the Tsardom will supply 10,000 tons for a duration of 5 years, totally over 50,000 tons in duration. [b][u]September 12th[/u][/b] The [b]Second Battle of the Zeelian Sea[/b] occurs. With orders to hunt one another down, it was a mere inevitability that the fleets of Zellonia and Oslad were to clash. The 12th of September was sunny, without much a cloud in the sky. Visibility was disgustingly high and it took little time for the two fleets to locate one another. The Zellonians, who had orders to: "[i]launch an attack against the city of across from the Zellic peninsula. Their target once more is any industrial base and shipyards. If/When engaged the fleet shall if possible aim for the larger ships such as pre-dreadnoughts and armored cruisers and submarines. If not engaged continue firing on the city before returning for resupplying,"[/i] first had to maneuver past the less stellar fleet of the Osladian Empire. While the [i]Persevet[/i] repaired, the [i]Imperator Nikolas II[/i] was helmed by Grushanin, perhaps the singular most important mistake of the war. As a man whom had suffered a rather egregious defeat, he was now shaken--fearful of losing a command he knew didn't belong to him. The Zellonians on the other hand sailed with a full complement. Their coastal defense ships were not suited away from the terrestrially brown waters and only minutes before combat engagements both coastal defense ships [i]ZRN Vile Waves[/i] and [i]ZRN Widow Maker[/i] had their boilers overworked while crossing the Zellian Sea and were effectively immobile, too far out of range to make a difference in the coming engagement. [hider=Osladian Order of Battle] [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b] (Copied from PM Orders from [i]Stein[/i]) [b][u]1st Imperial Fleet[/u][/b] under [i]Rear Admiral Aleksandr Grushanin[/i] 1. OIN Imperator Nikolas II (Pre-Dread) 1. OIN Gerzog (Armored Cruiser) 2. OIN Konstantin (Armored Cruiser) 1. OIN Riasanovsky (Light Cruiser) 2. OIN Gaidamak (Light Cruiser) 3. OIN Vsadnik (Light Cruiser) 4. OIN Plastun (Light Cruiser) 1. OIN Vzryv (Destroyer) 2. OIN Chesma (Destroyer) 3. OIN Yastreb (Destroyer) 4. OIN Berkut (Destroyer) 5. OIN Leitenant Burakov (Destroyer) 6. OIN Kasatka (Destroyer) 7. OIN Som (Destroyer) 8. OIN Burnyi (Destroyer) 9. OIN Vidnyi (Destroyer) 10. OIN Gromkiy (Destroyer) 11. OIN Zhutkiy (Destroyer) 12. OIN Maleev (Destroyer) [/hider] [hider=Zellonian Order of Battle] (Copied from PM orders from [i]LordZell[/i]) The third fleet under Rear Admiral Jefferson Boch consisting of 1 Pre-Dreadnought, 4 Armored Cruisers, 6 Light Cruisers, 5 Destroyers and 9 Costal Defense Ships[/hider] The Zellonian Fleet, upon spotting the Osladian squadrons in bound, ordered a full turn about in accordance with it's orders: "[i] If engaged the fleet is to retreat back across to the strait where they'll gain covering fight from the artillery. Should thing turn dire the fleet should flee if they can to the closest city of Vorl if not to open waters on course to the Taranese empire.[/i]" While the Zellonian soldiers were eager to fight--as they outnumbered their Osladian counterparts in quality and firepower--Rear Admiral Jefferson Boch gave the order to turn about north. The [b]Second Battle of the Zeelian Sea[/b] was less the decisive engagement that the Royal Zellonian Navy could have made it and more a pursuing action by the Osladian fleet. For six hours the Osladians pursued a zig-zagging Zellonian fleet: damaging the Zellonian coastal defense ship [i]ZRN Beowolf[/i], striking and putting dead in the water the coastal defense ship [i]ZRN Iron Hand[/i] and sinking outright in a single salvo from the Osladian [i]Imperator Nikolas II[/i] the Zellonian light cruiser [i]ZRN Victory[/i]. The Osladians, with a Zellonian coast in sight, turned away and let the Zellonian 3rd Fleet sulk into harbor. [hider=Battle Losses] [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b]: - OIN Konstantin (Armored Cruiser) [Lightly Damaged] [b][color=pink]Kingdom of Zellonia[/color][/b]: - ZRN Victory (Light Cruiser) [Sunk] - ZRN Beowolf (Coastal Defense Ship) [Sunk] - ZRN Iron Hand (Coastal Defense Ship) [Sunk] - ZRN Vile Waves (Coastal Defense Ship) [Lightly Damaged] - ZRN Widow Maker (Coastal Defense Ship) [Lightly Damaged][/hider] [b][u]September 13th[/u][/b] The [b]Metropolitan Industries[/b] company in the [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] begins work on roads and rails in and around the city of Tairist, expected to take up to six months. [b][u]September 14th-21st[/u][/b] The [b]Wauwanti War[/b] continues, with a heavy hand of autonomy for Lieutenant Colonel Harvick, who has returned to Argentine in the west, leaving only light garrisons in the East while his soldiers refit and rearm. In his journals, he describes the seven day march back to Argentine as the [i]Walk through the Eleven Hells and More[/i], as they encounter Wauwanti raiders, lack of rations and even mutiny. Over 740 soldiers perish in the walk, and Harvick's battered force of 2,100 (that set out in August with nearly 5,000 men) finally reach Argentine. [b][u]September 22nd[/u][/b] A campaign by the [b][color=purple]Tyro-Redanian Empire[/color][/b] begins with the Itheraens in mind. It begs for the collectivism of Empire over Culture, citing that the Itheraens are not a minority but the bread and butter of an intricate web that makes up the Dual Monarchy. The campaign costs nearly $3,700,000 but local observers report that Itheraens appear in.. better spirits. [[b][color=purple]Tyro-Redanian Empire[/color][/b]: [b]Itheraen[/b] Cultural Minority gains +1 Happiness] [b][u]September 25th[/u][/b] Only four weeks after her coronation, the Empress Tsirine of the [b][color=lavender]Veletian Empire[/color][/b] arrives in Sindao, Veletian Settumu on a humanitarian mission. There, she meets with Governor Droulez, a grizzled war veteran who acts as both Military Administrator of the Veletian National Garrison as well as it's acting political administrator. While there, a native Settumu reporter makes contact with the Empress' guard, who reveals information of a potential scandal. It's revealed in that same week that Governor Droulez has been reallocating funds from the National Garrison into a vicious sex trafficking operation; taking girls from Meung, Hiron and Kikitomi for use as service girls for the soldiery of the National Garrison. The scandal's publicity is brought to a close with Empress Tsirine leaving without her expected tour of the islands, but it's expected that in the coming weeks the fate of Governor Droulez, currently on house arrest in Sindao, will be delivered. His competence as both an administrator and leader of military men cannot be understated, but many--especially the native Kikitomi--now see him as more villain than hero. - [[b]Event[/b]: Effect dependent on IC Response from [b][color=lavender]Veletian Empire[/color][/b]] [u][b]September 29th[/b][/u] While the Itheraen's turn their head back to Karum, the Imperial Diplomat Corps of the [b][color=purple]Tyro-Redanian Empire[/color][/b] dispatch Philip Krier to Itherae. There, he immediately requests the Itherae's government's formal, public and official denouncement of insurgent movements such as the Triple I. - [[b]Event[/b]: Effect dependent on IC Response from [b][color=yellow]Republic of Itherae[/color][/b]] [center][End of [u]September[/u]][/center]