[@Mangrale][@Ryougu][@Norschtalen][@Lucius Cypher] As the four heroes battled it out near the entrance to the palace, the queen made her presence known when a large blackflame erupted under a group of bandits, scorching them to ash. The queen pulled her sword from the ground and approached the heroes. [color=ed145b]"These brigands have to have a leader amongst them, if we defeat them the whole lot of them will surrender. Michele, I want GX to do a full scan over the field, find out who's giving orders to these brutes!"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Yes ma'am. Crabby, you heard her!"[/color] At Michele's order, GX started to scan the battlefield in search of the brigand leader, all the while more of the brutes started to charge at the heroes. [hr] [@Lady Athena] The bandits shielded there eyes from the light that Nephele reflected from her rapier, leaving them vulnerable to Loralei as she jumped from glyph to glyph, slaying a brigand with each jump. A smarter bandit snuck up from behind Nephele and knocked her to the ground. He brought a knife to her throat, [color=a2d39c]"It's a shame to have to kill such a delicate flower, well... As long as Cardes pays up I'm happy..."[/color] The bandit said with a sadistic grin. [color=f6989d]"Nephele!"[/color] Loralei tried to rush to her friend's aid but a wall of bandits stood between her and Nephele. If Nephele didn't do something now she's as good as dead. [hr] [@Skepic] In a bright flash of light, Heinrich's punch was blocked by two electrified daggers and was kicked away. The daggers belonged to Falma and he stood beside Grafl giving him a stern look. [color=fff200]"Do I have to bail you out of everything?"[/color] [color=a36209]"Ah come on, I'm not about to use my powers on an acquaintance of ours..."[/color] [color=fff200]"In case you hadn't noticed... Our acquaintance is helping the enemy... Now stop messing around and use your lightning gun for gods sakes!"[/color] Grafl let out an annoyed groan and pointed his gun at Heinrich. Without gunpowder or any bullet or projectile to allow the gun to work, it fired off a bolt of lightning at Heinrich, if he didn't think quick he was gonna get fried by these two lightning wielding mercs.