Registering the weight of words exchanged, the druid suffered the thorns of enervation and exhaustion, seeping through the hoary cracks of his venerable constitution. Yet, he remained enamored by the stamina of the Governor. [color=92278f]“We could no more abandon this town of Greenest than the stars could possibly vacate this dark sky.”[/color] Noticing Nighthill's maturity rivaling that of the sailor’s, the tongue ring offered its remarks, as each cold exhalation wavered as smoky incense in the air, with every passed breath while a chin nodded in subdued thought. [color=92278f]“If you cannot spare one soul for the hunt in the morn, at least, heed your sergeant’s omen, and pardon yourself from the worry of this anxious eve. Hibernation has its value in the deep sleep of winter. Allow morale, though aslumber, to rekindle fresh, to a new sunrise. Even, the most dutiful bee rests with the hive, before dancing amongst pollen again the next daybreak. Your people will note the worsening erosion on your face, for the mind will have to eventually submit to a weathered body.”[/color] Stumbling feet began to pace in concert with his Tethyrian fang, conjuring a gallop upon the citadel’s roof. His stride was purposeful, heading in the direction of the spiral stairwell, only to hesitate to allow a raven's curious glance, peeking around from a beard, to visually capture the crew once more, while the pirate did not flicker from his position. [color=92278f]“However, I truly understand your tender devotion to your flock. One cannot be heralded a good shepherd, if he does not dream and long for his lost sheep to return to the fold once more. Judgment sensed greatness upon your wing. As do I. In the soil of your leadership sprout the seeds of victory, but only if they remain dormant, nestling in the bosom of the land's retreat, to finally emerge in due season.”[/color] The crow disappeared back into the whiskers, whilst the swashbuckler muttered, descending the stony helix to the staccato of briny boots and a white staff. [color=92278f]“Nothing of nature nor of mortals can stand forever.”[/color] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen]