So hello everybody. You guys can just call me whatever you like. As far as my roleplay experience goes, I've been at sporadically since middle school( I'm a college student now), I did most of my roleplaying on star trek online though I do get a lot of mileage these days with tabletop gaming and I'm open to most forms of rp, though I prefer middling to long form. I have most of my experience in sc-fi though I'm quite proficient with fantasy, I have a soft spot for mystery, and I'm a bit of a closet romantic. Also, I generally prefer OCs. I'm here to get back into the swing of things after leaving star trek and facing the wackier trials and tribulations of life, so pardon me if I'm a bit rusty. As for more personal details: - I'm a musician, I predominantly play the bass and various forms of drum. I tend towards jazz in my playing but I have eclectic tastse. - I'm an avid gamer and I absolutely love RPGs. Because of this I suffer the curse of Final Fantasy; I have to play all of them to see if they're good. - I do enjoy reading when I can, and some of my favourite novels are The Night Circus and Good Omens - I thoroughly enjoy watching anime, and I will casually admit to shedding manly tears during Your Lie in April. - I will probably be posting in secret from work more often than I'd like to admit. So in summation, I'm a giant nerd.