[color=aba000]"Ah hah...yes, of course,"[/color] Amie responded as her brain stalled for a moment, though she managed to successfully return the handshake. She was thrown off track again as the door was thrown open to reveal a sudden appearance and disappearance of her host, whose name Amie only managed to make out before it was obliterated by a sentence that sounded more like a single word. Blinking several times, Amie was about to step inside when she remembered her luggage. Jaiden was, surprisingly, holding the door and motioning for her to precede him. Unfortunately, it was the exact sort of treatment she was used to, and without thinking Amie pointed a finger towards the car, saying only [color=aba000]"The luggage."[/color] She realized too late that she had given direct orders to Jaiden. Without hesitation, she tried to convert the order into an observation. [color=aba000]"...is still in my vehicle. And I will go and get it. After I eat."[/color] Amie said awkwardly, attempting to make it sound as though that was what she meant to say from the start. It wasn't a very good presentation, compounded with the paleness of her face, and she decided to make the best of it by stepping swiftly past Jaiden and into the main room. Miss Nora (as she should be called, since only servants are addressed without title) had mentioned food, but it was smelled long before it was seen. Amie was not familiar with the dish, though it resembled something more from a previous venture, the difference being that this was less professional and smelled far more appetizing. She arrived at the table to see others already eating, so she took it upon herself to, possibly for the first time, serve herself. It was a bit strange, what with putting food on a plate for yourself rather than having someone else do it for you. She caught hold of an unoccupied chair and seated herself in it, bringing with her a plate of food and a drink. It would take a little time to accept that if she wanted anything done she would have to do it herself. How unladylike.