Hey everyone! I'm Dark Lotus, or you could just call me Lotus. I used to have an account on the Guild a long time ago. After a year or so of not roleplaying, it occurred to me that maybe I should take it up again and start fresh. So here I am! A little bit about me and some things I'm into are: [center]-I live in the USA. 'Murica. -I really like personality tests. I don't know why. -I like drawing (I'm thinking about drawing any OCs that I'll create in the near future instead of just grabbing a pic off of the web.) -I'm a [i]HUGE[/i] [b]Voltron: Legendary Defender[/b] fan. -I'm a psychology major, so I guess that's a thing. -Memes. Mama loves her memes. [/center] I think that's about enough, yeah? I'm looking forward to hearing from some of you guys and making some friends on here! Off I go to stalk the 1x1s! :magnum