After the 'opening ceremony' of sorts Clayton returned his Piloswine to its Pokéball and left the orientation hall. He reached in to his pockets for the class sheet but it seemed to be lacking the paper. He sighed in disbelief and ran back towards the orientation room. The last couple students were leaving and he made a dash for the room. Just before the the last of the people left he managed to get back in to find his paper on the floor, he probably could have asked a teacher but he didn't want to be scolded and he felt much more... safe with the paper, this way he knew every class for sure. He looked at the paper as he left the room again, Room 108. Clayton started speed walking as he didn't want to run in case he ended up running in to someone or their Pokémon. He glanced up at the doors he passed to see how far he was from the class, "Room 102, 104, 106... There we go! 108!" He looked up and skidded to an abrupt stop, he had almost walked in to a roaming Gardevoir. To his relief he wasn't too late as his teacher, Mr. Adams, had actually just got there as well. He sighed again, but this time with satisfaction. If he kept this up it could get him in trouble, he was just lucky today. Right then a thought occurred to him, this was home room and among these students would be one of his room-mates for the dorms. He examined the students carefully, hoping he wouldn't get lumped with someone 'boring'.