Calanon's ears twitched, hearing their ambushers before they had shown themselves as well. But he had been too intent on keeping his reign on Brogach, and did not have the frame of mind to ready himself as Rayadell had. He yanked on Brogach's neck to reel his Elk to a halt, skidding to a stop. Calanon could not quite hold on however, and let the momentum yank him off his mount. Luckily, the Elf was indeed fit for the carnival, and rolled in midair to land with his knees bent and sword out. He was without his shield, but he was still a fierce swordsmen. Brogach stamped irritably. He looked back and forth, and leaped back from both an arrow that had flown out of the woods, and the advance of the Axeman. He leaped back once more to grab his shield from Brogach's side. "Rayadell," he whispered. Promixtra swordsmen charged out of the woods as Calanon blocked another arrow with his shield. "Switch places. I'll take Brogach and get the archers. Meet you in the middle?" He didn't know how Rayadell fought, exactly. But if he could take out the archers quickly with Brogach, he could do a surprise flanking attack on the Promixtra brigands out front.