[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lk0Ku2f.png[/img] [h2][b]Zeruel[/b][/h2][/center] As soon as it was known that Heaven was defeated in the Battle of KC-00032, everyone in Celestia heard about it in rapid succession. Zeruel was one of the first to have heard the news and he wasn't quite happy about the outcome. The Angels seemed to have been lacking in their morale against both the demons and the Machina, which was indeed disappointing. He'll make sure he'll be entering the next battle whenever it would be. In fact, during the Battle of KC-00032, he had begun assembling various other Laguna Angels that are loyal to him and that they support the War. He plans to deploy them in future battles to come and hopefully bring back the power of Deva's might. Yet as he does so, like Deva, he too feels a disturbance in the Nexus. An ancient warrior, a sleeping dragon, has risen from its slumber. While he considers that Deva will deal with the problem with the help of 'special forces' Iona and Juno, no doubt will he have to get involved in such a task to tame the beast. He knows it won't be easy, in fact, it'll be anything but easy. Yet with the Laguna Angels being assembled right in front of him, he'll be bringing divine justice and order to the battlefield soon enough. He also smells the scent of those two characters that he encountered during the Battle Of Arcadia... he isn't too happy about that either.