[color=orange]"Hey Corinne! Wait for me!"[/color] Rolo called out. It took him a few moments to realise that Corinne was trying to get his attention, so enraptured he was by the memories the table elicited. Memories both wonderful yet painful in equal measure. Such memories stirred a deep longing within Rolos heart. For what did he long for, Rolo had yet to tell a single soul. But the longing was there, with its ceaseless intensity. The sound of Corinne walking up the spiral staircase though, at long last, finally broke his reverie. Rolo walked up the spiral staircase towards Corinne, who stopped in her tracks. They were only a fraction of the way to the top but already Rolos heart beated rapidly. A new batch of sweat formed upon his brow. [color=orange]"It's a long way up to the light room at the top, and I don't wanna be left behind."[/color] stated Rolo. [color=orange]"But you know me, I ain't what I used to be. I'm gonna level with ya baby girl. Those are a hell of a lot of damn stairs, and I don't think I can make it all in one go. Maybe I can, with you by my side. Just go a little slow ok?"[/color] confessed Rolo meekly. It was the first time in a long time that he began to feel ashamed of his weight. Such concerns, he always believed, were way too girly for a tough guy like him. The fact that he had trouble climbing the lighthouse stairs though, made him feel not so tough. The very thought made him feel uneasy.