[img]http://i.imgur.com/Mn5FAXY.png[/img] [b]A few days ago…[/b] [color=f9ad81]“We did it.”[/color] Batwoman looked down where Black Mask was getting dragged into a cop car. [color=6ecff6]“You did it,” [/color]Nightwing corrected and went on, before she could protest. [color=6ecff6]“Look, I was stuck in this case, until you showed up with your close quarter gun fighting and your guerilla warfare. Please don’t argue; I’m still a bit out of breath.”[/color] [color=f9ad81]“Oh, yeah? Tonight was tough on you, Mr. Wingman?”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“It was. Once the fighting starts, it’s no easy thing keeping up with you.”[/color] This brought the tiniest of smiles to Batwoman’s lips. [color=f9ad81]“Well, you taught me well.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Yes, and somehow, I immediately became your wingman, and not the mastermind behind this operation.”[/color] He took a good long look at her. [color=6ecff6]“You know, you should smile more often.”[/color] [color=f9ad81]“You sound like my girlfriend.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Well, every time you hit me, you act like [i]my [/i]girlfriend. That was another compliment by the way.” [/color] Batwoman’s cape gracefully swayed in the wind, while she moved away from the broken window. Nightwing had done what so few others had managed: He had stayed at her side and not died. If he too had enlisted and fought along side her, then perhaps her past would have been less gruesome. Perhaps there would have been hope behind all those empty medals. [b] Present…[/b] Bane had shattered all pretense in a single night. Nightwing was dead, and even when Batwoman drove 65 miles per hour with Bane’s lieutenant on the back of the bike, she couldn’t forget that fact. Neither magic nor miracles would change what Bane had done. Even if Nightwing came back, that murderous son of a bitch had still done an unspeakable act. Gone too far. [color=f9ad81]“This is Batwoman. I hope you’re all alive and well. There has been a development, so when you’re done for tonight meet me. You’ll know where,”[/color] she said as she arrived at the GCPD. Getting 280 pounds of angry thug onto the roof was no easy task. Batwoman took a second to gather her strength before turning on the Batsignal. [color=82ca9d]“Bane told me, you and Nightwing were close,”[/color] Trogg started to tease. [color=a2d39c]“You want to hear how he died? You want to hear how he begged? Not at first, of course, no. He was a real trooper, until Bane told him about our plans for the girl bat. He seemed so concerned about her. Must have been love. But it's broken now.”[/color] [color=f9ad81]“Go on, I'm sure you can provoke me better than that, big boy.”[/color] Batwoman managed to keep her voice calm. Yet inside the anger lit up like a wildfire. [color=82ca9d]“Bane will punish her. He already knows, and he will punish her because you all made such a mess of things. Did you really think you could challenge him like that without repercussions? Why on earth would he allow that?”[/color]