The bite of fresh air made Kenza hesitate, looking back briefly — where were Derrick and Mistletoe? However, the time-old yet oft unspoken hunter mantra ran through her head: every man for himself. The chances of her getting up back through the opening she’d fallen through were slim, and she wasn’t certain she’d be able to do anything useful if she got back up anyway. So, off she went, sprinting through the trees. Living, she could feed her family. Risking her life for others’ and winding up dead — that was never what she signed up to do. Mistletoe, figuring that she ought not to stay in any one place for too long, took to the stairwell quickly after examining the scene outside fo the window. As the deadweight of the group, she would be the one dragging them down in battle, especially if either of her teammates treated her as an equal. Solitary hunting was straightforward in that aspect: you were a lone wolf; you live, hunt, and die alone should the occasion call for it. Working with a team… Mistletoe felt a twinge of guilt as she looked to the stairwell. [i]This is probably the most idiotic choice, [/i]she thought, ripping the curtain from its place above the window and heading back to the door she came from. [i]But running and picking your fights isn’t always the answer. [/i] With that, she exited into the hallway and headed back to the library, hefting the curtain experimentally in her hand. It was heavy, but that worked to her benefit. It’d be a good distraction, however quickly destroyed. [hr][@lord of evil][@hekazu]