[Center][h1][u][Color=A52A2A]Bailey Collins[/color][/u][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/oe5AJE1.jpg[/img] [U][I]Location[/i][/u] Cafeteria - testing room - pool [U][i]Interacting with[/i][/u] --- [/center] [Color=A9A9A9] Bailey nodded and smiled where he felt appropriate as he idly snacked on his bag of chips. A good portion of them had gathered together around the vending machine, [color=A52A2A][I]'Huh... I wonder where she is?'[/i][/color] He had watched the halls for her to appear and while one after the other had made their way, still no Athena. Sighing inwardly he brought himself back from his thoughts only to notice that the group had started to disperse already. [Color=A52A2A]"Is it time to go back already?"[/color] Bailey commented, looking around for a clock. [Color=A52A2A]"Well, I'll see you guys later!"[/color] flashing them a broad smile before trodding off down the halls. Already, Bailey could feel his heart flutter in his chest as made his way back to his testing room. He tried to shake his nervousness away but only managed to make himself even more on edge. [Color=teal][i]'No need to be nervous, Bailey. She's just a person...just like you,'[/i][/color] he tried to convince himself before opening the door,[color=A52A2A][i]'An incredibly attractive person, oh shit.'[/i][/color] Emma was sitting at a little desk, engrossed with the charts that were laid out before her. Bailey took a moment to take her all in, trying to quell the stammer in his chest. More bits of auburn hair had escaped her bun, falling softly to the side of her cheeks. [Color=FFE4E1]"We come back, Bailey."[/color] she called from her desk without looking up. [Color=FFE4E1]"I hope you are enough as we're going to be moving onto the physical portion next."[/color] Emma smiled as she looked up at him and adjusted her glasses. [Color=A52A2A]"I didn't know you wore glasses."[/color] Bailey commented as he stepped in. [Color=FFE4E1]"Oh, these? These are just for reading. Got to love fine print."[/color] Emma joked as took them off, setting them on the desk. [Color=FFE4E1]"Alright, I'm going to need you to remove your shirt."[/color] Bailey's brain stammered over the information. His hands twitched as he shot her a surprised look. Emma laughed, a wonderful soulful laugh, as she studied Bailey's confusion. Without a word she moved over to a cabinet and pulled out a cluster of wires with little square lads attached. With a bemused smirk she turned back to the young man, [color=FFE4E1]"Come on now, we don't have all day."[/color] beckoning Bailey over. Bailey complied with a stunned look as she helped him out of his shirt and began to hook him up. His mind was swirling with the faint scent of flowers and coffee that emitted from the woman's skin and clothes. So ensnared in their closeness he hadn't even noticed that she had cranked up the speed on the treadmill until he was panting. How long had he been running? Bailey wasn't paying attention as he lost himself in all the impossible situations his mind had managed to cook up. [Color=FFE4E1]"Come on, you can do better."[/color] Emma's voice broke his concentration. Was that a hint of sharpness to her tone? Bailey's broads furrowed as he huffed along, sweat beginning to pour down from his brow. [Color=FFE4E1]"Come on, Bailey."[/color] No, there it was again. A demanding clipped tone that wasn't there before. Bailey's legs began to burn and his lungs pleaded for him to stop as he watched her crank up the speed once more. Now Bailey was full out running, harder and longer than he ever had before. All while Emma stood back, arms folded firmly across her chest with a calculated look across her face. Without a word she stepped up and shut off the machine. Bailey stumbled off, breathing heavy as he body sung with relief. [Color=FFE4E1]"Well done, Mr. Collins."[/color] the sharpness had melted back to her previous sweet tone as Emma helped take off the wires, [color=FFE4E1]"We're done for the day. Why don't you go hit the pool area and cool down? If not, feel free to indulge in any of the resources out facility has to offer."[/color] Emma handed Bailey his shirt and made her way back to her desk, scribbling away as she had dismissed him. Bailey wiped away the sweat that matted his hair and stepped outside. Actually, a swim didn't sound too terrible at the moment. Though his legs protested each step as he made his way to the pool room. Looking around it didn't seem like anyone else had decided to come. [Color=A52A2A][i]'I wonder if they have any suits around here?'[/i][/color] he wondered as he poked around the room. Sighing, Bailey couldn't even find a changing room let alone some suits. Common sense dictated they'd probably be in his room but Bailey was tired, sweaty and hot and that water looked so inviting. Glancing around quickly, Bailey tool off his glasses and stripped off his shirt once again. He tucked his glasses away along with his socks and shoes to the side of the room before giving himself a small moment to take in a deep breath as he barreled towards the water and jumped in. Relief flooded him instantly as the cool water enveloped him. Quickly,Bailey swam back up the surface and paddled to the edge where he let his arms hols him afloat. [Color=A52A2A][i]'Now this is nice...'[/i][/color][/color]