[@Savo][@Suku][@JBRam2002][@GarlandDaHero] Happiness. Their chittering intensified, the joyful cries of an angelic choir filling the air as the shambling masses of beautiful, tumour-ridden flesh arched in shuddering pleasure, the acidic green overflowing from those cystic pores. A million feet tapped in an eerie, disjointed rhythm, and they simply began to pull away, escorting the stolen boy from his companions with naught a care for their efforts. They were quick, unnaturally so. A horde of happy, bulbous creatures of pulsing rot - black, yellow, pink - that rolled their manic, disgusting eyes as they sought to flee. To take away the unfortunate Alexander. They wanted him. They chittered, rapidly skittering away from the teenagers. And nothing would stop them. Not when the would-be saviours would soon too be dead. [right]"NO!"[/right] From a hallway beyond, the cry was made. A desperate, despairing scream. Panicked running. The world was reborn anew in flame. Behind the unfortunate group, a rushing torrent, twin lines of searing white, burst across the wooden planks beneath them, raging heat bursting through the air. Two creatures, black and red and burning, rose from where the streams met the walls: groaning, hissing as fire crackled, sparks flitting through the warm, smoking air and dissipating into the clouds. They stood in front of the teenagers, a looming threat between them and the door, taking up their time as the chittering tumours disappeared. Those creatures spasmed. Enveloped in flame. Smoke mixing into the dull orange. Golden pinpoints of light flashed into existence. "I'm too late ..." The same voice from before. Drained. Scared. Exhausted and pained. The footsteps slowed. A young man, slightly shorter than average and with his hair shaken into a mess, stopped mere metres away from the group. He was dressed in the uniform of Uchima Senior High, but his gakuran was covered in cuts and burns, and soot littered its entire surface. Small wounds dotted a bruised face, and there was a clotting cut right underneath his eye. Most eyecatching, however, was the small red hairclip attached to his hair. Something shook. "Get away!" he tried to shout to them. It was too late. Though the wisps of flame still burnt through the air, there was an eerie, unnatural coldness. Of the heart. The newcomer froze. And it came. The simple, normal, footsteps. Emerging from the smoke surrounding the door. Striding past the two monsters of fire. Towards the group. A student in a gakuran. A student walking closer. Like any other student. Like any other teenager. Male. Surrounded by horror. No face. None. Just a mask. White. Black. Like a mime. [hr][@Zelosse][@Melpaws][@liferusher] [b]The Park[/b] There was a loud bang. Yet for those few in this area of the park at such a time, there was no sight, nor physical manifestation, of the source of the strange noise. There was a tinge of golden along the air, but such could easily be dismissed as merely the glow of the day. Nothing to be concerned with. Another bang. Smaller. Quieter. Unnoticed. For the three teenagers standing in the park, the air seemed to rapidly displace. The air began to twist. It was distorting, the world around them taking upon a foggy, golden glow. The haze fell upon them, and the sounds of nature, of the park they were standing in, seemed to dull considerably. And then the air shook again, and the world itself seemed to shake for them. Not just them. Because something had come. A new presence could be felt in the breeze. The atmosphere, glowing, seemed to shift. Something snarled. A primal, disgusting snarl. "[b]MORE OF. YOU. HUMANS.[/B]" And a barely-strung together declaration. In front of the three teenagers emerged a massive creature. Its massive legs, two in number, were like powerful, muscled tree trunks, and black oozed down from its shins to its four-toed, heavy-stepping red feet. A cloud of white seeped from a hole in a red-yellow torso of immense size, a strange entrance where normally one would find the human navel. The cloud descended around the creature's body, obscuring much of its lower half. It had two arms, humanoid arms, that were muscled like a champion's, each bulging muscle almost frightening to behold. Yet above there was where the humanity seemed to stop. A long, flowing neck. Flexible. Pale red. Jerking too and fro with wild abandon. A head more pig than man, with tusks emerging from beneath its fanged mouth. Protruding from the chin. Its eyes were a gleaming red. As if it had been crying. Pink strands of hair hung off its teeth. It hunched over, slamming its fists against the ground. "[b]OUT OF MY. WAY.[/B]"