[indent][indent][@Lasrever] That sounds like a plan! And you shouldn't have to worry too much hopefully! Most of its pretty self-explanatory and the stuff that isn't well I'm going to be explaining some of it in the OOC hopefully! And if you have any other question feel free to ask and I'll try my best to help! [@snake153] Yay! Alright some info for everybody including [@Mercenary Lord][@TheUnknowable] Work on the OOC is starting now that I'm home. Things should by my current schedule be up sometime tonight! In the meantime if I could intruded upon your folks time just a little bit to answer three little questions. [hr] Your preferred name/what you want me to refer to you as a player: Your Timezone: If you want my to set up some kind of discord or chat thing: [sub][b]It's only fair that I go first right?[/b][/sub] Name?: Tessaract works, but most people end up just shortening it to Tess whatever works for you. Timezone?: I'm home currently so that means UTC -8:00 when I head back to school that switches to UTC -5:00. Chat?: I frankly don't care, I know that some people like it and some others don't. Whatever you folks think is best.[/indent][/indent]