[hider=Corin]First, the reference (if any): [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/7b7b/f/2017/177/3/b/i_tried_pls_by_pulsarsatan-dbe2oq9.png[/img] Then the name: C.O.R.I.N. (Cognatively Organised and Recalculated Intellegience Nanobot) Quote here?: "Aw, look at what you made me do!" Gender: Agender ('it' pronouns) Sexuality: Error: 404. Missing content. Height: 5'4", 162cm Weight: 67 lbs, 30kg Race: Mechforged Age: 3 years, 4 months, and 26 days online. Occupation: Faction/Affiliation: NOMAD (Former) Sworn Enemies: NOMAD Hopeful Allies: N/A A thorough physical description: Its physical shell was built to be compact and thin for easy movement and quick movement. It has thin, frail shoulders and a skinny build. It has a slightly long neck, and a long face to go with. It has vibrant gold eyes with navy blue rims that have a light glow to them. It had a wig implanted on its previously bald, metal head. The wig is a delicate light purple which fades into a magenta that can be likened to the setting sun. Its skin is pale, but can ignite if in long exposure to heat. There is a black/brown scorchmark on its right thigh due to an attempt at tanning. There are no significant beauty marks, freckles, or blemishes due to the creator's dislike for unnecessary embelisments. It has no reproductive organs and a flat chest, it remains as gender neutral with its look as possible. Weapons (you may go into detail): Corin was built with a compact laser underneath its right forearm plate. Slightly under its battery core (small battery charge in the same place as a human heart) is a core that houses tactical tools that the AI can trade in for hands. (EX. a screwdriver or drill). Skills: Corin has a silent motor engine that permits it to run fast. It comes rough movement, but it manages. In NOMAD, a cyberterrorism group that has since been disbanded, it worked as one of the head hackers. Hence its vast knowledge of technology and astounding hacking ability. A Bio: Originally, on a May 28th in Hong Kong, it was constructed by a small scientist for the cyberterrorist group NOMAD. It worked as the third-in-command on the first crew of hackers for the group. After three years, it was booted from the group due to new models of its chip and shell. Shortly after, a majority of the group was located and the entire civilisation fell apart. It now travels the world as a wanted hacker/spy/assassin for hire. A brief history of NOMAD: NOMAD was a group founded by a chinese 'nerd' who wanted revenge on his school bullies. He gathered his tech-smart-ist friends and set to work. In the end, his bullies needed to buy new phones and laptops. This was fun, he realised. He decided to do it again with his friends, now messing with the entire school. He had so much fun that he and his friends decided to start a group dedicated to hacking- and so they did. The boys took up NOMAD as their name, leaving every broken computer and TV station with their trademark symbol. A caravan spelling out the word, [i]NOMAD[/i]. This group grew, hundreds of robots and people alike messing with tech as one big team. Then they made a dire mistake, a rookie let their IP address loose for just fifteen minutes. That was all it took for police to find NOMAD and arrest the majority of the team. Since then NOMADs name has become but a memory.[/hider]