Well here is what I got [hider=Bartholomew Whitlock] [b]True Name:[/b] Bartholomew Whitlock [b]Alias:[/b] Bart Hardwicke (Human Alias) [b]Age:[/b] 654 (Actual) / 43 (Looks) [b]Race:[/b] Werewolf [b]Alignment:[/b] Coven [b]Personality:[/b] On the outside he can seem a bit impassive, blunt on his opinions of others, and doesn't like to beat around the bush on matters. He states his mind which can get him into trouble, along with the aggression that being a werewolf brings, he has been one to cause one or two fights with his words. Yet under it all he is a loyal comrade, and willing to protect the coven with his life. On the matter of humans he has no care for them, only that they are as much a threat to them as any other race that hates the coven and have to be cautious with. He can be thankful for the innovation that they have gifted the world but curses them for the troubles they have caused. So he remains neutral with most humans having little to do with him besides his business outside the coven. Few normal people he would ever consider friend. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18921649_1384447778298667_7565120321447508625_n.jpg?oh=10600d49ae747f73975d459994adcdcd&oe=59DC0B69[/img] Werewolf: Minus the extra stuff of course. [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/1104/i/2016/233/d/1/northern_wolf_folk_by_themefinland-daesct5.jpg[/img] [b]Weapons:[/b] When the claws are not out, he has focused his weapon expertise to blades of a variety of sizes. [b]History:[/b] Born in the year 1363 and led a rather normal life, no idea of what lived in the shadows of the world. For his work he had to travel across the moors of England, and it was on one of these trips that his life was forever changed. He remembers little of the attack only that he barely survived and was lucky enough to stumble upon a farm house with someone who could treat his wounds. At the time all he could describe from the attack was that the creature was large, and appeared to be a wolf. He stayed at the residence long enough to have wounds heal but left there after. It wouldn't be until the first full moon did the gravity of the attack set in and make him question his reality. The first full moon came and when the sun rose on the horizon, Bartholomew woke to a grizzly site set before him. His clothes were gone and the rib cage of a deer lie merely a few meters away, and looking down at himself he was covered in blood. In panic he ran, lucky enough that he was out in the country and no one saw him in such a crazed state. Once calmed, he managed to steal clothes from the first residence he came across, and cleaned himself in the nearest stream he could find. He tried to argue it off as a bad dream, and tried to push it from his mind, to try and return to his usual life. Then the next full moon came and he awoke nearly the same way. His mind rushed to what it all meant eventually going back to the attack and horror struck him and realization dawned that monsters were indeed real, and he was one now. From that point forward he avoided most major cities in England, choosing small towns and villages to offer his expertise and only staying for a brief time of only a few days. That was how he lived his life for the next three years until finally finding others like him, who could teach him and make him realize that he shouldn't be afraid of what he had become but embrace and learn to adapt to it. Unfortunately it would not last, the werewolf and witch trials were still rampant and the small pack was caught up in one such trial near the end of the 16th century, to which Bartholomew barely escaped with his life but left him once again on his own in the wilds. The lost of his friends left him cold to humanity, he even took revenge on a few of those involved with their slaughter but could not attack all unless he wished to get caught but those that would want him dead. He left England and retreated to mainland Europe, making a new name for himself as Pierre Allaire, a carpenter and metal-smith in 1611. While supposed werewolf trials were rare in the 18th century, Bartholomew decided it best to leave Europe to start anew, and managed to find passage to the new world, arriving in New York in the year 1750. He avoided the major conflict of the Revolutionary War and blended into society for a time as a simple tailor named Nathaniel Todd in the city and improved soundproof basement for those full moon nights when the change would come. Word of the Coven that resided in the city didn't reach him until the turn of the 19th century. Since hearing of the Coven he has offered his aid for any needs of the Coven, even taking residence within the Coven. [b]Other:[/b] Likes: -Liquor -A good fight -The metallic smell of blood -The occasional fling Dislikes: -Cigarettes -Silver -Overly stubborn people -lies [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNjgfTfQjCQ]Theme Song[/url] [/hider]