[hr][hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5WMmxzYkdsaGJTQklaVzF6ZDI5eWRHZywuMA,,/helmswald-post.regular.png[/img] [color=FF0033][b]Location:[/b] Flight BAW229; Los Angeles to London.[/color][/center] [hr][hr] The call from his Father had brought him shock, more so than the call he had actually been expecting less than a night ago. How had his Father’s health had taken a turn for the worst so quickly? How had he degraded in health within a few years since his son’s departure for the US? William was woe to have to return to the UK, dropping a story of a murder out in LA in order to take the earliest flight back possible. Why did he feel like this was his fault though? Why did he feel like his Father would’ve been perfectly fine had his son not gone off to become a reporter? Had he stayed in the UK and ran their business together, a surely safer job than being a reporter, would his Father not have had a heart attack? William knew it wasn’t his fault that his Father had a heart attack while driving, he had always lived a high cholesterol and high stress life. But now that his Father was in a coma with a brain injury from the crash he caused, perhaps he could’ve avoided the dangers with no stress from worrying about Will. He pushed the thoughts out of mind and focused on his work at hand, typing up a report and letter to his boss on his current situation from his laptop. He was happy to have gotten the thing from his Father on Christmas, even more happy that it had come with all the features he needed to do his work without having to spend extra time searching for it .Everything about it screamed being streamlined for journalism. [color=FF0033]”Thank god my old man at least has the sense to support me in doing what I want to do,”[/color] He said as he hit the enter button, sending the mail and closing his laptop with a sigh. Will stood and advanced towards the rear of the plane, heading for a bathroom, when the turbulence hit and he was forced to brace himself against the seats as the plane shook. It was nothing new to him but he knew better than to test his stomach and try to move against the turbulence. He also wasn’t too keen on falling over from a sudden bump and onto another person. The last time that happened, he ended up getting a black eye. When the creaking and groaning started, it didn’t worry him all that much. Planes did it all the time after turbulence, just the metal shifting a bit after being knocked around for several minutes.Yet, this went on for too long and the sudden cracking sound that filled his ears, similar to the explosion of a car which he had heard a while back. His body was launched back and into a seat, causing a sharp explosion of pain through his body. William tried to push himself up, to gain some sort of leverage against the angle the plane had taken as it was going down yet found that the pain in his arms was far too great. He knew he would definitely have terrible bruises from this if not a hairline fracture in his forearm. As he rolled over to look down, he saw his case clatter against the seats, almost falling past him had it not gotten hit by another one. There wasn’t much inside, just a pencil and some clothes, but if the plane was going down then he would certainly need it. He could hear the plane groan ever more until it tore itself apart, forcing the two halves to fall apart and baggage to scatter to the wind, he curled up his body as tight as he could against the seats his body was forced against and covered his head. William knew that this may be the end of his life if he gets unlucky or leave him with many broken bones if he was lucky. But he wasn’t about to give up quite yet.