[@Lurking Shadow][@Warborn123][@Elevation][@tal0n] Rama looked over at the man that called himself William as he readied his sword and shield for the fight ahead. [color=6ecff6][i]This one thinks he's a night, hope his armour is up to date and upgraded to handle potential devastating weaponry.[/i][/color] He thought to himself, but shrugged and felt that seeing the man in action is a better way of understanding what he is capable of. He then turned when he heard a voice coming from behind him. [quote=@tal0n] [color=4682b4]"We should do what the Captain ordered and take live prisoners, including the captain."[/color] [/quote] [color=6ecff6]"Ah, you are right droid, the captain does want some hostages. Good thing there will be others, the grunts at the front won't be missed or cared for so they can be taken care of William and Traveler and if you get there first, let us know so we don't go in blasting and hit you by accident. The immediate crew that is with the captain on their ship it should be enough to gain some leverage, if anything we can find out more about what we are up against. And seeing as our captain has such good negotiating skills I feel that they will be meeting an end soon enough as well."[/color] He replied back to her and the others.