[quote=@Demon Shinobi] [@Prince of Seraphs] lol I mean probably not at first. But he will start patrolling Blüdhaven when not with the Titans if you wanna join in lol Overall I have some ideas here and there that could work as subplots in time if we get to that point. [/quote] I mean why not. Blüdhaven's gotta be safer for Gloria than Gotham and she's always wanted to see the rest of the country. What do you think Blüdhaven would look like in the Beyond era? I don't think it was ever seen or mentioned in the cartoon or comics so (as the only RPer resident) you have a certain amount of creative freedom over that area. Unless [@Member 00492] wants to do something with it. [@ProPro] I just had a great idea. Carmelita is basically stuck in a world of slow time because her mind processes at the level of a speedster but her body doesn't. I was thinking that maybe at some point she gets fed up waiting for the Speed Force to deliver her from this existence and she turns to Velocity 9 to remedy her situation. Depending on the version of Velocity 9 used in universe that could go a number of ways. Probably the version with side effects would create the most drama. Whatever you want to do with that idea, or not is cool. Just a thought I'd mention it.